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"Yes! I deserve a choice," Sarah added, hope flaring like a spark to the driest of tinder.

"You may have either a plug in your ass or one of our cocks."

"What?" She tried to fight my hold on her, however she was pinned to the bed quite readily. All she was able to do was thrash her head around, her hair tangling across the quilt.

"Excellent compromise," Garrett added as he took over holding her right leg.

With my hand free, I took gentle hold of the handle of the plug, working it slowly from her body. "Now, let's see if that pill is working."

Once the plug was free, we watched her ass slowly clench closed, slick and shiny. In the plug's place, I worked one finger into her, her muscles putting up little to no resistance.

"Tagg!" she cried out.

"Ah, filled with ointment. Good."

Taking the next size larger plug from the selection Garrett had brought from town, I held it up for her to see. "Plug or cock, Sarah? Your choice."

Her eyes moved back and forth between us as she considered. The plug was most definitely larger than the first; the tapered part that held it securely within was a little wider so she'd remain stretched open a little more as well as the plug being thicker and longer. In slow progression we would work her up to plugs that were comparable in size to our cocks. Since we intended to fuck her together, one of us in her pussy, one in her ass, it was crucial she was well adjusted to this scenario.

When she didn't respond, I repeated, "Sarah?"

"Plug! The plug," she said, her voice dejected.

Garrett took over holding Sarah's legs as I thickly coated the new plug in ointment. I squatted down directly in front of her pussy and worked it into her, taking my time. She had to adjust to us playing with her ass. It was now ours, after all. When we fucked her there, and it would be a frequent occurrence and it would not be swiftly done. I knew once I took her ass, I'd sink in to my balls and stay there for hours.

"Garrett will hold your legs today, however when we do this next, you will hold yourself open for us, just like this."

I fucked her easily with the plug, in and out, the slippery sound of friction from the ointment filling the room. She was breathing heavily at the intrusion.

"Our cocks are bigger than this, Sarah. We're only thinking of you, taking care of you."

It might have been the pill, or it might have been her body recognizing what it truly needed because her pussy started dripping onto my hand, onto the plug as it fucked her. Her breathing changed and I took it as a sign for her next lesson.

Lowering my head, I licked her clit. She gasped and her body tensed. I did it again, then took the turgid pearl in my mouth, all the while I fucked her ass with the plug. Garrett released her legs; she wouldn't close her legs now that her pleasure was upon her. Looking up her body past her beautiful breasts, I saw her bite he

r lip, perhaps preventing any sounds from escaping. Garrett's hand came into view as he plucked her nipple, tugging on it with a sureness that had Sarah crying out.

I didn't stop my ministrations to her pussy and ass, just watched her carefully for signs of her impending orgasm. When she bucked her hips into my mouth and screamed, I pushed the plug in all the way, filling her as deeply as it would go. As she came down from her pleasure, I kissed her thigh, then wiped my wet mouth with the back of my hand.

"And you said you didn't like a plug in your ass," Garrett said.


How could I detest something so readily as the plug in my bottom yet love the incredible pleasure it gave me? It was a terrible conundrum and I struggled with it. I wasn't supposed to like any of the things they were doing to me. They shaved me! Yet when Tagg put his mouth on me, I was so sensitive that I came so intensely I screamed. Screamed! It hadn't just been his mouth that had been so incredible. For some reason I couldn't fathom, there was something about having that smooth piece of wood rubbing me with each pass that had me beyond any control. I couldn't contain the absolute delirium that came from what the men did to me.

And so I burst into tears. Again. Covering my face with my hand, I couldn't control the confusion that these men had brought about. I felt strong arms wrap around me and hold me securely. I could tell by scent alone that it was Garrett. He whispered in my ear words I couldn't hear through my tears, but they were comforting all the same.

Once my tears had run out, he asked, "Now, what's bothering you so?" His large hand cupped the back of my head as he tilted me back to look up at him. His pale eyes were concerned.

"I'm not usually one to cry like this," I shared.

"No, of course not. I would assume having two husbands quite an adjustment," Garrett added. "Now, tell me what's got you so upset?"

"I'm a good girl!" I said, wiping my tear stained cheeks.

"Of course you are," Tagg told me from where he sat at the foot of the bed.

I shook my head. "No. No, I'm not. Good girls don't find pleasure in what you did to me."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic