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Mr. Wainright's look was venomous. "The ranch! She had it all, until you took it!"

Cole, Jake and two ranch hands rode up to form a line by me. Jake slipped from his animal and knelt beside me.

"Are you all right?" he asked, helping me up, carefully assessing me for major injuries.

I nodded, afraid if I did more I might burst into tears. The pent-up energy was ebbing away and I was raw and emotional.

He put his arm about my shoulders and led me over to Mr. Bridger's horse. Without glancing down at me, my husband reached down, grabbed me about the waist and lifted me to sit on his lap as if I weighed little more than a feather.

"Go," Jake told him. "We've got him. We'll be sure he gets what he deserves. You take care of Devney."

I felt Mr. Bridger's thigh muscles tighten as he directed the horse to turn away, heading back to our house. He didn't speak until he'd carried me inside and sat me upon the dining room table. "Look at me, baby," he whispered, tilting my chin up.

His green eyes were intense, searching. "Are you hurt? Did he harm you in any way?" He stroked my hair back from my face.

His soothing words had the dam holding my tears at bay break and I sobbed against his chest, hearing his heart beating and enveloped in his clean, male scent. He stroked my back and just let me cry. I didn't know how long I remained there, safe in his tight embrace, but eventually, finally, I'd run out of tears. Only then did he pull back.

"Let's get a look at you," he murmured, wiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. He knelt down in front of me. With his large size, his head was directly in line with my breasts. "The trainers got yanked off." Lowering his hands, he carefully, oh so gently, touched my nipples. "I don't see any cuts. Are they sore?"

In my mad dash to escape Mr. Wainright, I hadn't even felt the trainers tug free. Now that my energy was spent, they were definitely sore. "Yes," I whispered.

Slowly, as if he didn't want to scare me, he ducked his head and licked a tender nipple, covered it with his mouth and soothed it. His tongue was warm, gentle and it eased the pain. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he moved back and forth, from one to the other, applying the same tender ministrations. When he finally pulled back, he looked up at me, his dark lashes fringing his dark green eyes. "Better?"

"Yes," I whispered again.

"I want to inspect every inch of you. Every inch of what's mine." He stood to his full domineering height. Reaching around behind me, he undid the buttons on my blouse, pulled it free and stripped it off me. He lifted me from the table and had me face away from him to undo the corset, letting it fall to the floor on top of the blouse. The skirt was next, followed by my shoes and stockings.

"Bend over, baby."

I leaned over the table and sighed when the coolness of the surface soothed my swollen nipples. I felt a finger run over my pussy. "Did he touch you here?" His voice dropped an octave.

I shook my head.

"Mine," he growled.

"Yours," I replied, nodding my head.

He worked the plug from my ass, placed it on the table. "How about here?" He tapped my ass.

"Yours," I repeated, then gasped as he slipped the very tip of his finger into the opening.

"Up on the table, baby." My husband maneuvered me as he wanted, positioning me on my back with my legs spread wide, my knees falling open, just like the f

irst time he'd seen me unclothed and touched me in the doctor's office. It was like we were coming full circle and he was relearning me, re-staking his claim on my body. "So beautiful," he murmured. "You're mine, Devney. I won't let anyone have you." His hands were between my thighs, touching my pussy, running his fingers through my wetness, arousing me, reassuring me.

I thrashed my head from side to side. "I'm yours," I reiterated. "You saved me. I don't want anyone else. I want you."

His eyes glittered with desire at hearing my words, hearing the truth in them. I needed Mr. Bridger to control my body, to give me all of my pleasure. "I need to claim what's mine." He tugged me down to the edge of the table where he lined his beautiful, hard cock up with my weeping pussy.

"Oh, Mr. Bridger--" I sighed, knowing he would take care of me in every way.

"I think you can call me Sam now," he replied, his voice guttural as he filled me completely. Dominated me.

I was his.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic