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"Did you like the plug?"

"Um...not really."

Doc altered the question. "Did it hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No, but it was uncomfortable."

"Ah, well good then. Do you plan on taking her ass?"

I shrugged because Devney was staring at me, clearly waiting for my answer. "Eventually. But I don't think her heat's going to come on fully because of something specific, like it did for Catherine or Tessa. I think Devney is going to crave it all, except having her ass stretched. That does not seem to appeal to her."

Devney glanced down at the porch floor, not interested in participating, even though she was the actual topic of conversation.

Opening up her ass wasn’t something I was interested in doing, so I conceded. I'd rather her ass be tight when I fucked it and she'd learn the pleasure in the slight pain of that.

"Then continue to use a plug of various sizes. She should be free to fuck her pussy or ass with a dildo."

"I caught her touching herself. Alone." Doc and I both looked at Devney in a way that had her squirming. "She can come all she wants, but only with me. Her pleasure belongs to me, so she had her first spanking."

"I see. Then you're going to have to take preventative measures because a wife in heat can't help but play with her pussy," Doc shared. "Isn't that right, Devney?"

Devney looked pained. "Sam, please," she begged, flushing profusely.

"We're talking about your pussy, so that's Mr. Bridger," I corrected.

She swallowed, her upset clear on her face. "Please, Mr. Bridger, why do we have to talk about such things?" she whispered.

He ran a hand over my hair, tucked a wayward strand behind my ear. "Because you can't help but play with it."

"There's a very easy solution. Your belt."

Devney's eyes widened and her skin paled. Quick as a jackrabbit, she ran down the porch steps. My long legs reached her quickly and I spun her around to face me, surprised by her mad dash.

"Please! Don't beat me. I'll be good!" she cried out, her hands up covering her head.

"Devney," I murmured. She didn't respond. "Devney!" I grabbed her shoulders and forced her chin up. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I gave you my word I wouldn't hurt you. I'm not going to whip you with my belt." I sighed, took a moment to let her calm. "I'm not your father, am I?"

She shook her head, but fear still shown in her eyes.

"I will never hurt you. Never whip or beat you. Never. I will kill any man that lays a hand upon you without my permission. The belt is to hold your arms down so you can't touch your pussy."

I slowly pulled my belt from about my waist. I treated her like a skittish mare, moving slowly and let her follow my every move. I took the belt and circled it around her waist, pinning her arms down, the leather snug at her wrists. "There. Just like that." I raised my hand and used my thumbs to wipe away her tears. "Good girl. Better?"

She nodded and sniffed.

"Now come over to the hitching rail." I took her forearm gently and steered her to the spot where a horse's lead was tied. "I want you to bend over the rail. I'll help you." Carefully, I bent her forward so that the wooden rail rested against her belly, the rough wood upon the front of her blouse, her breasts hanging down on the other side. This angle shifted her hips up as I wanted. "Such a good girl, Devney," I crooned, continuing to soothe. I needed to reassure her I wouldn't hurt her. Dominate, yes. Hurt, no.

"I didn't put a plug in this morning, Doc. Thought I'd wait for you to check her first."

"Fine," Doc said, remaining on the porch, waiting for Devney to calm. "I'll run inside and get the things you need."

Doc opened the door and Catherine's groans of pleasure could be heard.

I went around the rail and knelt before Devney, brushing her hair out of her face. "Better?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes."

"Look at me, baby. I will never hit you. Spank you, but that's different entirely. You'll just have to learn to trust me on that. Now, are you all wet for me still?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic