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I looked over at her. She looked apprehensive about how Jake left Catherine upon the table.

"What? Lay you over the table? I thought I already had, more than once."

"No, I mean...stretching me like that." She tilted her head toward Catherine, who faced us, her head turned to the side, her fair hair pooling on the table. We couldn't see much but her ruched skirt and a glimpse of her pale ass. Doc and Jake stood behind her and looked down at what Catherine had on display.

I leaned in close so my breath fanned Devney's ear. "You don't want to be stretched like that?"

Devney's eyes opened wide and she shook her head. "No. Definitely not."

The look she gave proved it was not something she desired at all. This didn't appeal to her even with her arousal building as it was. This was perfectly fine to me, as I wanted her ass nice and tight when I fucked it. "All right, no ass stretching. How about being filled instead? Did you like the plug last night? It was pretty big, but not the biggest one I'll use."

She squirmed even though her ass was currently empty. It might have been from her spanking, but I'd been gentle, getting her used to the concept, so it was most likely at the thought of being filled. Her blush crept down to the round globes of her breasts. That was a good indication that she liked the idea of a good, big plug.

"She's very wet, Doc," Jake said, running his finger through his wife's slit. He thrust one into her pussy and she bucked her hips.

"That's good." Doc pulled a harness similar to the one he put on Tessa two days ago. I'd walked in on her visit at Doc's office right before we left for the Jenkins ranch. "Let's make sure this harness fits her well." Jake helped Catherine lift each of her feet and slid the leather apparatus up her legs. "Fit that dildo up in her, Jake. Make sure it's in just right."

Devney's cheeks flushed as she watched Catherine shift her hips on the table so the dildo filled her pussy. Although Devney couldn't see it going in, she knew what they were doing. Catherine's fingers clenched on top of the table as if trying to grab something.

"There, now you’d just need to fasten the clasp in the back and you'd be done," Doc said.

"Oh, Jake, I'm so full. I don't need the harness, though. I'm so wet it's coating my thighs."

Jake smiled down at Catherine. "That's the harness. Just sticking that dildo in made you dripping wet, just like Doc said it would. But we don't need it on now. I think it's time I fuck your ass again to see if you can close up some more. Is that pill still up inside you?"

"Yes, Jake," Catherine murmured.

"Once she's closed, alternate to a day of plugs as a reward. Insert it as deep as you want, but little to no stretching. Then you can go back to corking her again. I'll check back with you later in the week." Doc turned to us. "Right. Devney. It's your turn."

She'd been watching what they were doing to Catherine and forgotten she was next. "My...turn?"

I stood and glanced at Jake who was longingly looking at his wife's ass. "Why don't we take Devney outside and you can tend to her there?"

"That's fine," Doc said, picking up his satchel. "Jake, see you soon. Catherine, I'm glad you're pleasing your husband so well."

"It's time then, Doc," Jake added as he started to undo the placket of his pants. "For me to please her."

I took Devney's hand and led her out onto the porch, albeit very reluctantly on her part. As I pulled the door closed behind me, I could hear Jake talking to Catherine. "All right, sweetheart. Let's fuck your gorgeous ass."

"Thanks for being patient," Doc said. The morning was cool, especially in the shadow of the porch, but the sun was shining. He placed his satchel on top of the railing. "Are you sore, Devney?"

Devney took a deep breath, darted a glance at me, bit her lip.

"Answer him, baby," I told her.

"No." She closed her eyes briefly and shook her head. "I'm not sore."

"Did you fuck her again?" Doc asked me.

I nodded. "Her heat's coming on, but slowly. She woke me up in the middle of the night. Fucked her pussy."

Devney turned away from both of us and hugged her elbows, clearly embarrassed.

"How did the plug work out?"

"She fucked herself with it and it seemed to fit well. Devney?"

Her head whipped around and her mouth fell open at my frank talk. "What?" she whispered.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic