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Desire coursed through my veins, my heart pumping, the blood moving south to my cock as I tasted Tessa on my tongue. Sweet did not begin to describe my new bride. She was a prickly one, but when I tamed her with my touch, she was hot and wild, lost to her inhibitions. Even now, sated from her pleasure, she was sprawled upon the dining table, wanton and...well, gorgeous. Her skin was silky soft, so pale I could see her veins, a network of little blue rivers beneath the skin. Her breasts were as bountiful as she'd said, more than a handful with responsive and delectable nipples. Her legs were long, supple and between them, her pussy was...ripe and lush.

I shifted my cock in my pants to seek more comfort, although that wouldn't happen until I was buried deep within her. There was no doubt that she'd take to my cock like she'd taken to my fingers and my mouth, with sheer abandon. Even without the pill in her ass, she was easily aroused, easily brought to climax.

The pill--made from the ground plant that the natives had originally discovered and shared with the founders of Liberty--had a hard beeswax coating that would soften from the heat of her body and build her arousal while the ointment would keep her slick and ready for me. Not only that, the doctor had added another ingredient that kept her from conceiving. I had no idea what it was, but many families in town only had a few children each, if that, so it must work.

Picking up my shaving brush and mug, clean cloth and my razor, I made my way back to her side. As I placed the items down upon the table, someone knocked on the door.

"Enter!" I calle

d out.

Tessa gasped and attempted to sit up. I placed a hand on one shoulder, gently preventing her from doing so.

Sam, one of my brothers, stuck his head through the door. "Maura sent me over with your meal. Hope I'm not interrupting."

"I was just about to shave Tessa's pussy, but directly after we'd love to partake of Maura's food."

Sam came in carrying a lidded pot, the scent of stew filling the air. I'd eaten Tessa's pussy, but it wasn't enough sustenance for what I planned later. I'd need my energy to fuck her as I intended.

She looked up at me in horror, embarrassment."Cole, please, we have company."

"It's just Sam. You've met my brother."

"But--" She sputtered, her eyes darting to Sam. "But I'm undressed."

"Yes." I took my time looking over her body, one stunning inch at a time. "You are. Time to get you shaved."

"I couldn't! Not with Sam here," she cried as she glanced fearfully at my brother.

"You can, and you will."

"You'd let him see me?" Her eyes flared with alarm.

"Him. Jake. Grant, too."

"The foreman?" She said that as if he were a lunatic.

My jaw clenched. "Careful, wife. That man is family." She might be stunned by the presence of another man when she was en dishabille, so I'd give her a small amount of latitude about her sharp tongue, but not much.

"So you'll just give me to anyone?"

"I will give you to no one. You are mine. But just like at the wedding, some things you question are considered appropriate."

"Like Sam seeing me like this?"

Now she was understanding. "Yes, exactly."

Her eyes filled with tears.

"Your body is mine, Tessa. I will never hurt you. I've only pleasured you, haven't I, darlin'?"

She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek and onto the table beneath her. I brushed it's wet trail away with my thumb.

"You are so beautiful that it pleases me for others to see you like this. To see what's mine."

"'re flaunting me?" she asked, her voice incredulous. Her tears had quickly dried up and she looked at me wide eyed, the whites of her eyes showing around the intense blue. She didn't move.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic