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"Paul, how dare--"

He took something from his pocket and placed it into Henrietta's mouth. I could see when he stepped back that it was a large ring. It opened Henrietta's mouth like a dildo but it was hollow and shallow. I could see into the dark cavern of her mouth. My sister groaned around it, stomping her foot.

"It appears time for us to leave," Paul replied, his tone angry. By the flush on his cheeks and the rigid muscles, he was not happy with Henrietta. "It may be quite some time before my wife returns to church. She has a similar ring that goes in her ass to moderate her temperament, which keeps her very restricted to home. I assure you, Bridger, that she will be contrite soon enough."

/> He grabbed her arm and tugged her away, scolding her as he did so, leaving the four of us to watch their retreat.

"Well," my mother said, her face all puckered like she ate a lemon.

"Mrs. Bowers, I can't say much as I've been raised to never disrespect an elder, but I do not like for my wife to be considered a whore."

Cole was defending me, protecting me. He wasn't planning on doing what my mother had suggested. He was pleased with me. Had told me so from the very beginning. He believed in me. My parents never had, particularly my mother. They'd never believed that Henrietta was cruel to me and thought I was acting out and punished me for it. Now, it didn't matter. None of it mattered. As long as Cole was by my side, their words couldn't hurt me.

"Mother, it is good to see you," I said.

"I can see why he speaks for you. You can't keep a civil tongue."

"I haven't spoken, Mother, you have."

She puffed up like angry hen. "Well, I never."

"Your words do nothing to me. You can't control me any more. Not because I'm defiant and stubborn and willful as you've said in the past. You can't control me now because Cole does."

"Of course he does, he's your husband." She shook her head as if I were an idiot.

"Yes, he is. I'm not a whore. I'm not wanton. I'm Cole's wife. If you aren't happy with me, you don't have to come to the ranch. You don't have to acknowledge me at church. It is completely your decision. Cole's my family now." I wrapped my arms around him, his body warm, his muscles solid and strong. So reassuring. So appealing. So...mine.

"Mr. Bowers, I look forward to the day when you can control your wife. Until then, enjoy your Sunday." Cole tipped his hat and we left the sputtering couple.

I could hear my father's words as we approached the wagon. "Perhaps Agnes, you might want to practice a civil tongue."

Cole lifted me up onto the seat and came around and joined me. "All right?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, smiled. I was. I really was all right. I found a peace that only Cole could give me. I didn't need to listen to my family, to hear their cruel words of the past. They meant nothing now. My life was with Cole. My life was Cole.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic