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The next morning, I woke and sucked Cole's cock as was part of my morning routine. I was becoming accustomed to the task, the feel and flavor of Cole's cock very arousing. When I looked up his lean, hard body to watch his face as I took him deep, I saw his lo

ss of control. I realized that I had power over him. I was the one who made him feel good. I was the one who made him succumb to his needs. I did this to him. Because of this, I tried with extra vigilance to take him as deeply as possible, to swallow as much of his seed as possible. And every time, just as he'd said, I worked my clit until I climaxed. The combination had me craving Cole's cock. If I could feel this amazing with him filling me, then I wanted him there.

After, once he pulled his spent cock from my lips, he slid in a trainer and tied it behind my head. I stared up at him wide-eyed, surprised by his actions.

"You're doing so well, darlin'. I can tell by how fast you come that you like having something in your mouth. Isn't that right?"

I looked up into his dark eyes, admitted my feelings by nodding.

"This isn't the same as my cock, is it?"

I could only shake my head; I couldn't speak.

"I know, darlin'. You can have my cock again at the noon meal. In the meantime, here is your bell for safety. Bathe and bring your clothes to my office where I will put in a new plug before dressing you. Remember, don't remove the seed you spilled from your breasts. I want to see it all day."

At lunch, he found me in the dining room astride my special chair. He must have switched to a smaller dildo in the seat because it didn't fill me as I liked. It wasn't as long as Cole's cock, nor as thick, therefore it didn't appease the ache. Neither was the dildo in my mouth. It was as if Cole was intentionally taunting me. Regardless, it was working. I spent the morning longing for him. I needed him, not the chair, not the dildo. Both had only given me weak, unsatisfying orgasms. When he stood in front of me to undo the leather ties on my mouth trainer, my hands were already opening the placket on his pants, greedy and a little frantic for his cock. Even if I could only have it in my mouth, I knew I would have my pleasure. As I rode the special chair, I watched Cole come, even though I couldn't swallow all of his seed.

After lunch, he inserted a larger mouth trainer, the largest yet. Tying it on, Cole looked down at my seed coated breasts, "This is why we're going to see Doctor Graham, Tessa. You're getting better each time, but there shouldn't be any cum on you. With this larger dildo in your mouth, I want you to practice swallowing and breathing through your nose as you do so."

I couldn't respond. It was impossible as I was trying to adjust to the larger dildo, sliding my tongue along the thick shaft and adjusting my breathing, just as he'd said. "This will stay in until dinner so you can practice. You have your bell. All right?"

I nodded.

He bent down, kissed my temple. "Good girl."

I preened at his words, still upon the special chair, impaled on the dildo.

As I shifted my hips, he arched a brow. "Is the special chair helping?"

I shook my head dejectedly.

He squatted down, looked me directly in the eye and grinned. My heart melted when he looked at me in such a way. "Good girl. See? You need my cock to come really hard, don't you?"

My eyes widened at his words. Was it true? Could I only achieve true orgasm when he had his cock in me? Oh! It was true. I nodded again.

"I'm so proud of you. You need my cock, don't you, darlin'?"

I glanced down at the front of his pants.

"And I need you. I swear I'm hard all the time, darlin'."

He left me then, letting those words stew in my mind all afternoon as I tried everything I could imagine to come beyond the simplest little release. Nothing worked. I needed Cole's cock. So I fucked the dildo on the chair with extra vigor, but it didn't help.

When Cole made a simple dinner of ham and eggs, I watched him with a dark eagerness. When he placed our plates to the table, I dove onto my knees for his cock, frantic for what only he could give me. He undid the mouth trainer and I eagerly sucked him into my mouth as far as it would go. The feel of his cock was better than the trainer. He was hot against my tongue, his flesh pulsed, his manly scent and his hands in my hair guiding me as he wanted were what I'd needed all day.

"Oh darlin', such a greedy thing. Yes, just like that," he hissed. I felt soothed by Cole filling me. He was paying attention to me, needing me, teaching me. When he thrust his hips and his cock nudged the back of my throat, I came. It caught me completely by surprise as I wasn't touching my clit and there wasn't anything in my pussy. I screamed, but it was muffled by his cock. My eyes flared, then closed, savoring the delicious release.

Cole pushed even further and I felt him thicken more. He groaned and his hot seed slid down my throat. This time when he pulled out, no seed escaped.

"You swallowed it all. Such a good girl."

I looked up at him with sated eyes, his cock glistening wet from my mouth right in front of me. "Cole, I...I came."

"I know, darlin'." He stroked my head. "You're turning out to be such a good cock sucker. I'm so proud of you."

I smiled under his praise. It felt like a warm beam of sunshine fell upon me.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic