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Mrs. Bowers and Henrietta's mouths fell open. "Well, I never," breathed Mrs. Bowers.

Tessa turned her head briefly. "Yes, mother, clearly you've never...well, never pleased your husband? And you, Henrietta? Outraged by my breasts being exposed in front of my home? In the view of my husband, who's said he is more than satisfied with them. I am only doing his bidding." Looking up at me, she added, "I believe you are in need of my services?"

My cock couldn't get any harder. "Yes, wife. I certainly am." I tugged Tessa over to the hitching rail in front of the porch, gently placed her hands upon the weathered wood. "I'm going to fuck my wife now. I'm sure you can find your way home." I turned my back on my mother- and sister-in-law who were hissing like two wet cats.

I had every intention of fucking Tessa, but not with an audience. Leaning over Tessa's back, I whispered in her ear, feathering kisses on the outer shell as I did so. "I'm so proud of you, darlin'. As soon as they're gone, I'm going to show you how much you please me."

She arched her back into my belly. "Yes, Cole."

The wagon rolled away, the horses hooves plodding against the summer grass. I caressed Tessa's breasts that hung down, cupping them and brushing my thumbs over the nipples. As I waited for the sound of the wagon to dissipate, I murmured to my wife. "So beautiful. I love your breasts. Just the way they are. I love seeing them. You saw what it does to me. Now you're going to receive your reward."

I worked her skirt up her smooth legs so that it was piled upon her back, her pale ass exposed to the bright sunshine. And my gaze. Using one foot, I nudged hers apart. Her pussy was wet for me, just as I liked. I couldn't wait any longer. Opening the placket of my pants, I pulled my cock free and slid into Tessa's waiting warmth in one smooth stroke.

Tessa cried out her pleasure, her back curving to take me deeper. Gripping her hips, I worked my cock in and out. In and out. "I love fucking you, darlin'. You are so beautiful. I'm going to come so hard."

Reaching around, I found her clit and worked it gently with my thumb. "Come for me, Tessa. Now," I commanded. This was going to be a quick fuck; I couldn't last.

Her inner muscles clenched down as her body flushed brightly and she screamed. Her pleasure pushed me directly into mine, her pussy milking my cock rhythmically and I couldn't hold back. I called out her name as I filled her with my seed.


The next morning after breakfast, Doc knocked on the door, holding his satchel and hat. He was a few inches shorter than I, but equally broad shouldered. He was whip smart and had an easy wit. Besides that, he had a direct, authoritative manner coupled with the patience of a saint.

"Hello, Doc," I said, letting him in.

Tessa came out of the kitchen to meet him. I took her hand in mine, gave it a gentle squeeze. She kept her head lowered and I could see her face flush hotly. Clearly she was still not adjusted to exposing her body to others, especially men.

"Congratulations to both of you."

"That's mighty kind of you," I replied. My brothers and I grew up with Adam, running wild and raising hell together, until he went off to medical school back east. Upon returning, he'd taken over from the old doctor who'd retired and had been the town's caregiver for the past five years. "I'm glad you're here, Doc. Tessa has been such a good girl and is sucking my cock. Unfortunately, she can't seem to swallow all my seed."

She gasped and her surprised gaze flew up to meet mine. Her blue eyes flared in mortification as she attempted to yank out of my grasp.

"I'm pretty big and she can't get my cock to the back of her throat without fighting it."

Doc nodded sagely. "Yes, I can see the seed on her breasts."

Tessa gasped, covered herself with her hands. This morning she'd again not been able to take all of my seed. "Don't cover up, darlin'. I love to see my seed there."

"Then why is there a problem?" she asked, her brow creased.

"Because you need to learn to take all of me with ease. When you can do so, my seed will slide right down your throat. Please, take a seat," I told my friend. "Tessa, sit with me."

We took our seats in front of the cold fireplace and I tugged Tessa down onto my lap.

"You can't fit Cole's cock in your mouth as he'd like?" Doc asked Tessa.

Tessa didn't speak at first. "No. He doesn't fit," she whispered.

"Have you been able to take him to the back of your throat at all?"



"But I can't breathe and I choke."

"Ah," Doc answered, nodding in understanding. "Are you able to swallow any of his seed?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic