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Catherine choked on her potatoes at the subtle joke, one that only Tessa would not understand. I patted her on the back as she took another sip of water and tried not to grin.

"In such a short time, Catherine has adjusted to life here well," Grant added, giving Catherine a wink.

"I'm learning that being married is quite pleasurable," she murmured, looking up at me through passion filled eyes.

In that moment, I didn't see fear in her eyes. Didn't see wariness or confusion or shame. It was something akin to love - maybe not yet, but there was a seed, just like what I hoped had planted in her belly, that could grow into something more. I knew I felt the same. I'd expected to just dominate and control my wife, fuck her and keep my heart separate. But with Catherine, it was all tangled together. Because when she submitted to me, she had all the power.

"Yes," I added, picking up Catherine's hand and kissing her knuckles in a very tender gesture. "She pleases me immensely."

"Of course you'd like another woman here, Maura," Tessa cut in, as if Grant hadn't spoken. She tilted her chin up. "With no children of your own, it must be very lonely."

I glanced around Catherine to see Maura's mouth drop open, her cheeks pale. Everyone on the ranch knew the reason for their childless state and that both were vastly pleased to remain so. Some couples did not desire children and my cousin and wife were one of them. I knew Grant didn't have to worry about Maura going through the dangers of pregnancy and childbirth in such a remote location. The way I was filling Catherine with my seed, I'd most likely have such concerns fairly soon myself.

Grant's jaw clenched tight and he lowered his glass with a loud thump. He glared at Tessa, who wore a triumphant look, then at Cole, who was barely restraining himself.

"We are quite pleased with how the weather has stayed warm," Mr. Bowers commented, clearly trying to redirect the dinner conversation.

"Yes, I look forward to fine weather for church on Sunday," Cole said through clenched teeth. I saw Sam grin, Grant's shoulders relax and Mr. Bowers looking eagerly to Cole. My brother gave the older man an imperceptible nod as Tessa spoke.

"I don't see you at church very often."

He sat back in his chair, gave Tessa a hard look. "This Sunday you will."

Tessa smiled, almost wiggling in her seat with excitement. Little did she know. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Not as much as I, darlin'. Not as much as I."

Catherine turned to whisper in my ear. "Is this what I think?"

I gave a little nod, and then whispered back. "Looks like there's going to be a wedding."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic