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Cole nodded and left us alone.

"Over to the bar."

I gave him a confused expression, but did as he said. He lifted my skirt and his finger followed the edge of the cork in circles. "Did I hurt you earlier?"

I stared longingly at the wooden plug hanging from my wrist. It was right at eye level and had me entranced. I didn't even mind that he was touching me there anymore. "No, Jake."

"Your pussy's all open and swollen. Have you been using that plug?"

"No, Jake. The special chair."

"Did it make you feel better?" His finger ran through my slick folds, but didn't slide in. I whimpered. "Yes, Jake. But...but I'm needy again."

He helped me stand and my skirt dropped back to the floor. His big frame loomed over me. "You want me to fuck you again, sweetheart?"

I felt wetness coating my thighs. My nipples were tight and hard, the tips shiny with the ointment. "Yes, Jake."

"I need to get cleaned up for this special dinner so there's not enough time now. But I want you to lay back on the bed and fuck yourself with that plug. Cole picked out a nice big one to make you feel all crammed full."

Eagerly, I slid back on the bed so I could bend my knees. Pushing my skirt out of the way, I removed the strap for the massive plug from my wrist.

"Spread your legs nice and wide so I can watch while I change my clothes."

I did as he said, opening myself enough so I could push the plug in deep. My eyes fell shut to focus on the feelings taking over. I wasn't sure how I'd like it in my ass, but the huge plug felt so good in my pussy. As I moved it in and out, Jake talked to me.

"Your body is mine, Catherine."

"Yes," I gasped a reply.

"How do you know you belong to me?"

"Because my ass is always full."

"That's right, sweetheart. Do you want to hide yourself from me?"

I shook my head back and forth on the soft blanket as I continued to fuck myself.

"Why not?"

"I...need you to see my breasts," I panted, my eyes squeezed shut as I arched my hips up.


" you."

"And when I'm pleased?" He leaned down and placed one hand next to my head. The bed dipped with his weight and I opened my eyes to stare up into his intent gaze. I felt his hand brush mine and he took hold of the plug. I let go and gripped the blanket by my side.

He thrust the plug in deep, his knuckles brushing against my clit. I cried out. I was so close. close. "And when I'm pleased? Answer me, Catherine."

He changed the angle of the plug.

"Then you will please me," I cried out. With those words, I came. Hard. I screamed, pushed up from my heels and lifted my hips into the plug, pushing it right into that spot deep within me that I'd learned would push me over the edge and keep me there.

"You have made me the happiest of men, Catherine," he whispered in my ear as his knuckle continued to nudge my clit. "You are perfect. Even when you are contrary, you are more than I had ever imagined."

Once the pleasure ebbed, I slumped onto the bed, replete. His hand stopped moving. Ever so slowly, he pulled the plug free and stood up. After a minute, I opened my eyes, watched as he cleaned the plug. He returned to me and slipped the strap once again over my wrist. "You will carry this with you at all times."

I could only smile. For the first time since we wed, I smiled at my husband. Jake didn't place the plug about my wrist to embarrass me. To shame me. It was there because he cared about me. Wanted to keep me happy. "Yes, Jake."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic