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"Yes, thanks for your help with that. The available women in town are accustomed to our ways. I wanted to train a wife from scratch, and it's working."

Mr. Carter nodded in the way of a man who'd been married for thirty years. He also had two daughters, both now married, and he knew what it took to train a woman.

"I've heard Cole's time is approaching." It was a small town. The men knew what was what.

"Mr. Bowers has been letting his wife deal with Tessa, and I've heard that's not going well. I wouldn't be surprised that Cole will step in at her next infraction."

"She'll be a hard one to break," Mr. Carter commented as we watched the women return, Catherine holding a folded pale blue blouse.

"Yes, he'll have his hands full. But that's his problem. I have my own woman to tame."

Two hours later, we were riding back to the ranch in the wagon. The vast prairie spread out around us, open and vacant, a beautiful night.

"Stop, Jake. Please stop."

I tugged on the reins, easing the horses to a halt. "What's the matter?" I asked, worried.

Catherine began to cry. "I can't take it."

I looked her up and down. Hips thrust forward, shoulders shifting, sweaty skin, tear stained cheeks.

"I don't want this blouse. Please take it off."

I wiped away a tear. "I don't have a scarf like Mrs. Carter wore to cover you."

She nodded her head emphatically. "I don't care. Please, it's awful. Take it off."

I set the brake and hopped down from the wagon, coming around to help Catherine down as well. Undoing the tiny buttons down the front, I spun her around and undid the ones at the back. I tugged the material from her shoulders and down her arms, the material clinging to her damp skin.

"Turn around," I murmured.

She did, but she kept her head lowered. Her pale breasts were dotted with a pink rash that spread across her silky skin. Her nipples were red, the puffy tips swollen and inflamed. No real harm had been caused, but the chafing must feel awfully sore.

I lowered to my knees so my face was in line with her tortured breasts. "Is that better?" She nodded, making her breasts jiggle. "Are your nipples sore?"

She nodded again.

"Let me see if I can make them feel better." I didn't put my hands upon them, only my mouth, and only in the most gentle of ways as I licked the tips. I sucked softly and she moaned. Switching sides, I tended to the other inflamed nipple. As I went from one to the other, I had Catherine crying out, begging me to let her come.

I stood and opened the placket on my pants. My cock was hard, my balls tight against my body. Seeing her nipples all plump and red had me ready to come in my pants. "You can come when I fuck you."

Catherine's passion filled eyes flared with heat. "Yes please, Jake."

"Turn around and hold on to the side of the wagon."

She immediately complied, bending over. I tossed her skirt and saw her pussy lips plump and wet. She was ready for me there, but she was to be denied. Today's lesson on who was in charge of her body would soon be reinforced. "This cork is too big to fuck around." I gently pulled at it and worked it from her body. She gave resistance, her muscles there fighting to let go. Finally, after a minute or two of working it, the large cork slipped out. Her ass gaped open, a dark hole that was wide and ready to be fucked.

Catherine groaned. "I can't...I can't, oh no!"

"Sweetheart?" I watched as she tried to squeeze her ass shut. It was a sight to behold.

"I can't close up." She began to sob.

I couldn't resist. I touched her stretched opening with one finger, slid it in, the ring of muscle not even touching the tip. Within, I felt the remnants of the pill, slick and wet. I pulled some out and rimmed her loose hole.

"What should we do? Do you want me to put the cork back in?"

Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder at me with worried eyes.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic