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It was my turn to take her hand. "I'm sorry to hear that, if children were something you desired."

"Actually, I never wanted children, miserable parents and all that. Grant's died when he was young." She waved her hand as if those years were minor. I'm sure there was a story there, but I wouldn't press. "I get him all to myself."

I could see the love on her face for Grant. I envied her that.

As we finished our tea, both Jake and Grant came in, removing their hats and placing them on the table next to us.

"Catherine, this is Grant, Maura's husband," Jake said by way of introduction. "He's not only the foreman around here, but my older cousin as well."

"Wiser, too." Grant grinned. He was tall like Jake, but thinner, with sandy blond hair that curled about his head and an easy smile. He was an attractive man. And he only had eyes for his wife.

Maura stood and went around the table to her husband. She swung her hips broadly and her breasts shifted with each step. She smiled, completely oblivious of her noticeable sway. He met her halfway and kissed her. While their lips held, Grant's hand moved over Maura's breast, giving her nipple a tug.

Maura purred like a cat at his attentions.

"You haven't scared Catherine away, have you?"

Maura's eyes were a bit unfocused as Grant's hand continued to knead and caress her breast. She could only shake her head.

He dropped his hand. "Speak, wife."

Maura licked her lips, then swallowed. "I think she believed she was the only woman exposing her breasts and having her ass filled. Hopefully, I eased her mind."

"That's my girl."

Jake looked at me. I remained turned toward the table, keeping my breasts angled away from the new man. "Catherine. Come to me." He arched a brow as a silent command.

I stood and came to stand next to my husband. With the wide cork, I had to push my bottom out behind me to find comfort, and that of course, pushed my breasts forward. I moved in an imitation of Maura.

"Hello, Catherine. You are pretty as a picture," Grant murmured, his hand returning to his wife's breast. He had his fingertips on her nipple, twisting it, pulling it, stretching it out long, while Maura's eyes were closed in obvious pleasure, her lips parted.

I gave a little head bob as hello.

"Before we go, let's show Catherine that she's not alone. Over to the bar." With one last tug, Grant released Maura's nipple and guided her over to the bar in the kitchen. She obeyed and when Grant commanded she lift her skirts, she did so without pause. He went over and stood beside her hip, running a hand down the round globe of her ass.

Was this how I looked with everything on display? Her pussy was shaved, her skin there pink with tiny little lips, yet wet and slick with what I now recognized as seed. In her ass was a plug that had a large knob protruding from it. It was a colored glass that gleamed in the sunlight and large enough that Maura's cheeks were held apart. How did she find that comfortable?

I glanced up at Jake, unsure if I should be observing this, but he just pulled me even closer to his side and held me about the waist.

Maura didn't move from her position as Grant spoke. "Maura likes a big plug in her during the day. Nice and thick with a big, sturdy handle on it. Don't you, love?"

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"Does it shame you when I do this, expose you to others?"

She shook her head, her hair swinging gently like a curtain about her. "No, sir."

"And why's that?"

"Because I belong to you and everyone who sees my ass knows it. The larger the plug, the more telling it is."

"That's right, love." Grant helped her stand, held her cl

ose as she regained her bearings. "Let's go back home and I'll give you a good fuck for pleasing me so." He picked up his hat and nodded to Jake and me, but looked upon Maura once again. "I saw that all that seed from earlier was working its way out."

"Oh yes, please," Maura begged as the door shut behind them.

Jake pulled me against him and lowered his head for a kiss. An open-mouthed, plundering kiss. He pushed me back against the table edge, my cork hitting it, and I squeaked. Grabbing me by my bottom, he lifted me up onto the hard surface and pushed me down so I lay upon it. He pushed my skirt up to my hips and stepped between my spread thighs.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic