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I couldn't wait. Seeing her like this, her breasts full and swinging beneath her, her ass out with her pussy lips all swollen and wet, I had to have her. Had to fuck her. Thank God she'd ruptured her hymen earlier so I didn't have to be gentle.

Moving into position behind her, I ran one hand down her spine to her nether lips and slipped a finger inside her pussy, while lining my cock up with my other hand. Pulling my hand free, I nudged her opening. "This is how animals fuck, sweetheart. One of these days, I'll take you like this in the barn, like a stallion fucks a mare."

Her hips thrust back toward me, pushing the thick head of my cock in about an inch. "Do you want it, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Jake. Please," she crooned, gazing over her shoulder at me, pleading with her eyes.

In one stroke, I pushed in deep. All the way so my balls smacked her clit.

She groaned at the stretching, being so full. I wasn't small and my cock must have felt like I was splitting her in two.

This was going to be quick. I'd been hard since the moment I first saw her at the stage, and my seed had been building in my balls ever since. Reaching between her legs, I found her engorged clit and worked it as I worked her with my cock. The bed squeaked with each deep thrust in tandem with her moans of pleasure. I watched as her breasts swung heavily beneath her. All at once, she came. Hard. Her juices coated my cock, easing my way in even impossibly deeper. Her inner muscles clenched and milked me, squeezing me like a vise as she screamed. There was no doubt that the men in the barn heard her or would question her claiming. This set me off. My cum boiled up from my balls and shot out in long, heavy spurts. I leaned over her back, her slick skin sticking to mine as we both breathed heavily. Afraid I would crush her, I slowly pulled out, sank back on my heels and watched my cum leak from her red, swollen pussy. Her plump lips gaped open, spread wide by my cock.

Catherine didn't move. Her head was dropped down between her shoulders, her knuckles white on the metal headboard, her breasts moving with every deep breath.

I couldn't help but gently run my finger through our mixed juices. "This is the prettiest sight, sweetheart. That, just so you're clear, is fucking."

Slowly, her fingers relaxed and slipped off the brass rails and she collapsed onto the mattress on her belly, too sated and spent to even cover herself. I smiled down at her well-used body. It didn't hurt my male pride to know I practically fucked her into unconsciousness. I stood to get her pill and cork and then joined her back on the bed.

Nudging one of her thighs up by her waist, I gently spread her cheeks so I could see her ass. "Let's get you all filled for the night," I murmured. There was no reason to have her stir. This one time we could skip the bar.

She moaned, shifted her hips, but didn't open her eyes. Her dark braid was like a tail down her damp back.

Coating the tips of my fingers with my seed, I coated her ass, worked her gently and carefully slipped the pill deep inside. She moaned, but that was all. Next, I coated the cork as well, then stretched her until her ring of muscle clenched around it in position. I watched once as her ass clenched, then nothing. She was asleep.

I awoke her during the night, my need for her plush, tight pussy too great to resist. I rolled her onto her back and spread her thighs, sinking deep in one easy stroke. My seed from earlier was still abundant within her clenching tunnel and I met no resistance. With her ass corked, the fit was tight and it rubbed against the bottom of my cock every time I moved. I saw in her eyes the moment she came awake, the way they flared in surprise as I hit a spot deep within, how her back arched in pleasure.

"This, sweetheart, is also fucking," I whispered, lowering my head to kiss her. It wasn't gentle. It wasn't chaste. I plundered her mouth with my tongue just like my cock worked her pussy. Reaching between us, I worked her hard clit, pinched it between my fingers, which set her off like a firecracker. I didn't need more than to see her shatter with her release to find my own, my eruption building until I was shooting out thick ropes, washing her womb with my seed.


I didn't know what was happening to me. Jake had woken me twice during the night to fuck me before finally leaving me alone to sleep. There had been no resistance on my part, only pleasurable insistence that he fill me. I needed his cock. God! I did. I needed his cock. I never, ever, thought that would be the case. I'd heard married women in St. Louis talk about how they endured their husband's attentions and I worried if I would be stuck in similar misery.

The pleasure - oh, the pleasure! - Jake wrought from my body was indescribable. It was as if I were drugged with a lust that I couldn't control. The first time he'd taken me, I hadn't been filled with the cork. The other two times, it had been so tight, and the strangest of sensations came from my bottom as I was fucked. The cork had moved, shifted and I came the second time from the rubbing across something sensitive back there.

When I awoke, the sun was high in the sky and Jake was gone. My body was loose, relaxed. Sore. Inside, where my maidenhead had ripped, it burned slightly. My muscles, even the lips of my...pussy, were swollen and sore. My bottom was still stretched by the cork. Yet with all these discomforts, my clit, that place where Jake told me my pleasure could be found, pulsed. Little hot bursts of pleasure shot forth in a way that had me squirming in the sheets.

I rolled onto my stomach so my clit touched the mattress. Oh! The rubbing rekindled my need. I shifted my hips to press even harder. Yes, just like that. Jake had said I could touch myself there anytime I wanted. And I wanted. As I rocked against the mattress, I felt the seed that had filled me all night long drip out and onto the sheet below


The pressure wasn't enough to bring me to that pinnacle I'd felt every time Jake fucked me, so I pushed up on my hands, which dug my hips in harder. I rocked, rubbed. Over and over. I closed my eyes, thinking of Jake's cock buried deep, his hard body behind me, pushing me down into the mattress. My inner muscles clamped down on nothing, which made me crave Jake even more as I worked my clit. Sweat broke out on my skin and I was breathing hard, climbing, climbing until...yes! My pleasure broke. I cried out, almost sobbing in relief, sagging back onto the bed. The release had taken the edge off this all-consuming need that simmered.

"That was quite the sight, sweetheart," Jake murmured from the doorway. He leaned against the frame, where he’d been silently watching me. Heat burned in my cheeks at being caught.

"I'm so sorry. Please, don't spank me."

He pushed off the doorframe and came to sit next to me on the bed. Thankfully, I was face down and most of my intimate areas hidden. Running a hand down my damp back, he asked, "Why would I spank you? You did nothing wrong."

I turned my head to look at him, to see if he was telling the truth. From the soft glint in his eye, I could see he was being honest.

"You can touch your clit any time you want. You can touch your body, do whatever feels good, make yourself come even, anything except remove your cork. All right?"

Relieved, I nodded and relaxed all my tense muscles.

"I've got a treat for you."

A treat? I smiled. "Really?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic