Page 10 of Sleepless Night

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"Nay, don't worry." He held up a big hand. "As I said, he was a bloody bastard. He didn't take care of you or your needs. Remember the time his eye was blackened?"

I didn't, but I nodded anyway because a wife definitely wouldn't be able to miss a husband's black eye.

"It was the last time I heard him talk like that."

My mouth fell open. Ian must have punched him in the face for the crude remark. "You… you did that for me?"

Ian's eyes narrowed to slits and spoke through a clenched jaw. "The man was a liar. I know you are a hot one. The spanking just confirmed it. Just lookin' at ye for these past weeks, not being able to kiss ye or tup ye as I wanted, waiting to be wed was almost more than I could bear." He shifted in his seat and I was able to see his cock tenting his plaid. Oh God, it was big! I licked my lips at his aggressiveness, his sureness about my passion. "That's why I gave you the rod, so I'd know you were touching yourself, playing with your pussy because of my command. Now, wife, I look forward to… learning all of yer interests—besides getting your arse spanked to a fiery shade of red."

"My… interests?" I asked, my voice soft. My bottom was sore and it tingled something fierce. So did my pussy.

Ian's eyes strayed from mine and moved lower, roving over my body, paying particular attention to my breasts.

"What makes your pussy hot, makes ye cry out my name?" He stroked his knuckles down over my cheek, and I tilted my head into the caress.

I couldn't miss the glint of desire the way he stared at me. He made me feel sexy, feminine, all powerful, as if I were controlling him. I doubted that would ever be possible. He grabbed his cock through the wool of his plaid and stroked, letting me know he was more than ready.

"Oh shit," I whispered. My pussy was hot just from the sound of his voice. I was close to coming just watching him be so blatantly sexual, so virile. Through the leaded windows, albeit small ones, I could see it was daylight. I could see everything he was doing, and that meant he could see all of me. There wasn't going to be any fumbling beneath the covers. While I had to guess based on my style of dress alone that electricity was at least a hundred years in the future, I knew that Ian wasn't the kind of man that fucked with the lights out.

Any fear or debate I had was gone. His words, the way he'd supposedly protected me from my previous husband showed he would not harm me. I knew it deep down. From what he'd said, we'd been engaged, betrothed, or whatever it was called in history, for weeks. Ian had held off in even kissing me before we were married. It truly had been our first kiss! Instead of taking what he could easily have had, he gave me a dildo to play with. It was very naughty and ridiculously honorable. Perhaps it was good that I hadn't arrived any sooner, for I wouldn't have had the same willpower. I would have tossed up my skirts and let him have his way. If he was as desperate now as I was, it was going to be like spontaneous combustion when we came together.

This was the chance for a night of incredible sex with my eternal mate. Supposedly, I'd meet him again in the future, but he was here before me, cock in hand right now—whenever now really was—ready for me. Or, I could do the stupidest thing ever and pull the ring from my finger and have a humdrum birthday by myself. I wanted completion, sexual satisfaction. The headboard banging, screaming kind of big O I'd only dreamt about.

With Ian. My Highlander hottie.




The ache in my breasts, the lightning bolts of sexual electricity pulsed throughout my body directly to my pussy. Taking hold of his hand, I lifted my gaze to his. His warmth, his touch was like magic. Fire. Desire. I wasn't the only one to feel it; Ian's eyes flared at the contact. He yanked me down roughly onto his muscular thighs, and I hissed at the hard feel of his thighs against my sore bottom. His rock hard cock was unmistakable through the fabric of my skirts. To balance myself, I placed my hand against his chest. What I felt beneath was rock hard and hot.

"Now that the punishment is over, dinna let me stop you from touching your tits."

My mouth fell open. I wasn't used to a man who was so… blatant, but it was our wedding night. He might be a stranger to me, but I was not one to him. He'd had weeks. Years, even.

He looked me in the eye briefly, but dropped his gaze lower. To my tits. They were very pale in contrast to my dark dress with a long line of cleavage running down the middle. I couldn't help but smile. It thrilled me to know he was so enthralled by my charms.

"No," I told him.

Ian lifted his gaze from my breasts, confused. He stiffened his spine, probably wondering if indeed I was frigid after all. "Nay?"

I shook my head as I bit my lip, worried it between my teeth. "I want you to touch me."

As I ran a finger down his cheek, his whiskers prickly, yet soft beneath the tip, his pupils dilated, his chocolaty eyes almost black. His jaw clenched.

"Everywhere," I added breathlessly, dreamily thinking about his hands on my body.

His smile returned, even broader than before, and I felt his breath quicken. His heart beat, solid and real, beneath my palm. Ian's large hands quickly covered my breasts, sizing them, weighing them in his palms, as if he'd been dying to do so for a long time. The first touch was rough, his fingers brushed over my heated skin above the cut of my dress before yanking the fabric down. My nipples sprang free.

"Holy mother of God," Ian whispered, his voice deep, like a tumble of rocks. "I've dreamt about what your nipples would look like. What color they'd be. I didn't know twould be like this."

"Like what?" I gasped, my eyes falling shut at the rough feel of his calloused palms against my sensitive skin.

Instead of saying more, he tilted my upper body over his arm and feasted. He suckled at one turgid tip, pulling it into the wet heat of his mouth. His hand circled the globe and kneaded it.

"Ian!" I cried. It was aggressive and desperate and hot and God, everything I wanted.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Science Fiction