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“Ethan,” she whispered. “People could hear!”

That was true. What we did with Rachel wasn’t for public knowledge.

Ethan grunted, rubbing his palm over the flesh. “I like the way my handprint is all hot and pink. Then you’ll get your spanking later.”

I reached into one of my desk drawers, pulled out the butt plug and lube I’d been keeping, waiting for the right time to play. We’d take her together; Ethan had mentioned it. We hadn’t done anything about preparing her. Until now.

I tossed one, then the other to Ethan, Rachel’s eyes following.

“In the meantime, we’ll put this tiny plug in you.”

“Butt stuff is my punishment?” she asked, her voice wary.

Ethan moved to the side of the desk so she could see him without wrenching her neck. She remained in place, sprawled over my desk, so nicely.

We both shook our heads. “Hell, no. You’re going to love it. As I said, your punishment is a spanking. Later, in our cabin. But I’ll work this plug in, then fuck you.”

“I’ll have my turn, too,” I added, ensuring she knew we’d both fill her up again.

“Then, you’ll keep that plug in until dinner.”

She came up then, her skirt falling back in place. A shame. “What?”

Ethan grinned. “You won’t forget who you belong to, will you? Our plug in your ass and our seed dripping down your thighs?”

“I don’t need that to remember,” she countered, grumbling.

Ethan moved behind her, gently pressed her back down over my desk, tossed up her skirt. He put the plug beside her on the desk and he flipped open the lid on the lube. When he let a small amount drizzle down into the crack of her ass, she squirmed, a little eep escaped.

“Yet you can’t remember to forgo panties.”

She pursed her lips, probably realizing she had no argument. I grinned at her, then winked, knowing we were still playing. But when her eyes flared wide when he pressed against her virgin hole, we weren’t playing quite as much anymore.

It was important she was prepared. We never wanted to hurt her.

I stroked my dick as I watched Ethan begin to open her ass up. She squirmed and breathed as he did so, but I could tell by looking at her she was aroused by it. When he grabbed the plug, lubed it up and then carefully filled her with it, she was downright whimpering.

“Be right back,” Ethan said, heading to my private bathroom to clean up.

I stood then, went around the desk, saw the little purple handle of the plug parting her pert cheeks, her glistening pussy lips and the pink handprint. “Just watching your ass get filled has me close to coming. This is going to be hard and fast.”

“Yes,” she breathed.

I stepped behind her, carefully sliding right into her eager pussy. She was so wet and I knew some of our seed from earlier still coated her nice and deep. I groaned and she stifled a whimper. Ethan came back out.

“I thought I was first.”

“You got to play,” I said, gripping her hips. I was going to come and I’d only been in her ten seconds. There was no rhythm to my motions, only the loud slap of flesh on flesh as I took her. I bumped the plug and it pressed in each time, pushing her to the brink. It was when her inner walls clenched and squeezed that I came, my fingers all but leaving bruises on her hips and I ground my teeth together to stifle the shout of pleasure.

My breathing was ragged when I pulled out, watched my seed slip from her. Ethan nudged me out of the way as he didn’t waste time fucking her next. When he settled deep, she came, her fingers slipping over the wood of my desk, her back arched, her mouth open in a silent scream.

Ethan rode her orgasm as he fucked her. Hard, deliberate and with a base need to plant a baby in her. I instantly got hard at the thought of all that seed making a baby.

He came on a short grunt, pulled out and began to work the seed that was slipping from her back in. The play of his fingers had her coming again and she slumped on the desk. Well and truly used, and loved.

We tucked our dicks back in our pants, set ourselves to rights as she recovered. I helped her back up to her feet, held her arm as she caught her balance, her skirt falling back in place. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glossy and I couldn’t help but grin.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it? The plug’s nice and small,” I said.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic