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No. I giggled. Stick a cock in me.

The two looked at me like I was slightly crazy.

“You okay?” Ethan asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, this is just a little surreal.”

Both men stepped close, Matt settling behind me, his cock pressing against my lower back, Ethan in front of me. He tipped my chin up. “We’ve barely touched you.”

They remedied that quickly enough. Matt’s lips lowered to my neck, licked and kissed down it and across my shoulder. Ethan’s hands cupped my breasts as he kissed me.

I was lost. Too many hands, too many mouths. Within seconds I was lost in a swirl of pleasure. I was so much smaller than they were that Ethan dropped to his knees and my breasts were at the perfect height for his mouth.

He grinned up at me. “I love that they’re pink. Let’s see if I can get those tips nice and cherry red from my mouth.”

My hands went to his head, instantly tangling in his hair when he sucked a nipple. Oh. My. God. They hardened, one against his tongue, the other between his fingers as he played, pulled, even pinched. As he did that, Matt’s hands were roaming, up and down my back, then lower and between my legs.

When his finger slid over my slit, my hips bucked.

“Dripping,” me murmured in my ear. “I still taste you.”

Ethan pulled off my nipple with a pop. “I haven’t tasted her yet,” he grumbled. His hands slid down past my hips to my thighs, slid inward and pressed so I had to step wider. “My turn.”

He didn’t hesitate, didn’t go gently. It seemed they were done with being gentle and I was fine with that. I didn’t feel threatened. Completely the opposite. I had no idea a tongue could be so incredible. Against my nipples and now, shit, on my clit. Ethan was skilled, working me with his mouth as Matt slipped a finger inside of me from behind, curled it.

“So tight.”

I didn’t release my hold on Ethan’s head, only rocked my hips into his mouth and on Matt’s finger. “I’m…I’m going to come. Holy shit, this feels so good.”

Matt tsked me. “If you can still make sentences, we’re not doing it right.”

Ethan agreed with a murmur, the vibrations of it pushed me over the edge.

I came, practically ripping Ethan’s hair out as I held on for dear life. My cry split the air and I was glad Matt hooked an arm about my waist otherwise I would have melted to the floor like a puddle of goo.

Yes, yes. Yes!

They continued their attentions, but softened them, gentled them until my orgasm ebbed.

“Wow,” I said.

Ethan moved back and I finally released my hold. He laughed as he ran his hand over his head, sat back on his heels.

“I love hearing you come,” Matt murmured, kissing my shoulder.

“We’re not done, sweetheart,” Ethan promised. “That was just a warmup.”

Oh yeah, I was all warmed up. My muscles were like pulled taffy, my skin damp with sweat. I had a feeling they were right. I wasn’t going to be able to make sentences if they made me come like that again. And I had a feeling they would. Again and again.

“More,” I said. “In me. Now. God, please.”

Matt came around and stood beside Ethan. They studied me closely, perhaps ensuring I was still okay. Which I was. So much more than just okay.

“You want to ride our cocks for your first time?” Matt asked.

I nodded. Perhaps that was best. While I did trust these two, knew they weren’t Andy, I didn’t want to ruin it by any possible freak out if they were pressing me into the mattress.

Matt moved to the bed, yanked the covers and sheet back, sat down, legs extended, back against the headboard. Cock sticking straight up. He curled a finger at me, beckoning me to him. They had barely touched me yet and I wanted them.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic