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“He’s serious,” Cole added. “This guy used to run around the playground pretending to arrest the bad guys at recess.”

I laughed at the image. “So you two go back a long time, huh?”

“We’ve been friends since kindergarten,” Declan said. “Maybe even before that.”

Cole nodded. “When I was seventeen my dad passed away and I moved in with Declan and his family until I turned eighteen and took over the ranch.” The two men exchanged another look and I got the distinct impression that they were somehow silently communicating.

“That was the year we decided that we would take a wife together.”

Oh. What the hell was I supposed to say to that?

“I was raised in a Bridgewater family,” Declan continued. “Two dads, one amazing mom. They set a great example. After they hear about tonight, I’m sure they’ll stop in at the diner to get a good look at you.”

Cole gave me a small self-deprecating smile. “I only had one father…and he was miserable. In his marriage to my stepmom, at least. When I went to live with Declan’s family…” He trailed off with a shrug, but his point was clear. He’d seen the type of family he wanted to have.

While the whole threesome thing was still a foreign concept, hearing them talk about it like this—like it was normal and healthy—made it sound almost sweet. Romantic, even.

“Speaking of family,” Declan said.

I looked up to see Cara heading in our direction with a friendly grin. “Hey guys. Hannah, good to see you again.”

“You, too,” I replied. And I meant it. I might not have known her for long, but there was something so comfortable about Declan’s sister. She had the kind of open, genuine personality that would put anyone at ease—even me. Her red hair and blue eyes matched her brother’s, but she wasn’t overly tall like he was. When she stood between her two men, she looked tiny, just as I assumed I looked when surrounded by Declan and Cole.

“What are you and your men up to tonight?” Cole asked.

It sounded so strange talking about Cara having two husbands as if it w

as normal. Here, it was. I was the odd one around here, not understanding the lifestyle.

“We’re meeting up with Katie and the Kanes.” She pointed to the bar where a pretty blonde was sandwiched between two attractive men.

I knew the answer before I even asked, but I still turned to Declan for confirmation. “Let me guess, another Bridgewater relationship?”

He nodded. “Katie was friends with Cara back when we were kids. You met Sam’s mom today at the diner. Violet. Katie used to come here every summer to stay with her uncle. When he passed away last year, he left her the property.”

Cara cut in. “She came back to sell the place, but then she met Sam and Jack.”

Katie headed in our direction and Cara turned to Declan and Cole, crossed her arms over her chest. “You guys need to go get some drinks at the bar.”

“We already have our drinks,” Cole protested.

His comment was met by a formidable scowl. “Get some more then. We need a little girl time.”

Declan and Cole did as they were told but not without a fair amount of good-natured grumbling. As they walked away, Katie joined us and Cara made the introductions. The two women slipped into the booth across from me. “Sorry to run off your dates like that but I had a feeling you might need a minute to process the whole threesome date thing. It takes some getting used to.”

Katie nodded. Her dark hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and I couldn’t miss the big diamond on her ring finger. “It’s weird at first, I know. I was exactly where you were last summer. Like, in this bar and getting it on with Sam and Jack.”

“I remember that night,” Cara added, then frowned. “What do you mean getting it on in the bar?”

Katie flushed a bright pink, then grinned. “Let’s just say there’s a quiet hallway past the bathrooms if you have an, ahem, itch that needs to be scratched.”

My mouth fell open and Cara started laughing. “You didn’t.”

Katie grinned and looked too damn happy for her own good. Glancing at her men, I could see how they might be able to keep her smiling all the time. “We so did.”

“You’d just met them, at least as an adult, that day!”

“I know. That’s why I’m telling Hannah.” Katie looked to me. “Bridgewater men are different, if you hadn’t noticed. When they say they want you, they mean it. Which means, there’s nothing wrong if you want them right back. And those two? Cole and Declan.” She bit her lip and eyed them like they were decadent desserts.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic