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Katie was quiet the rest of the way to Sam’s and that was just fine by me. Hopefully, she was thinking over what we’d said. Maybe if we gave her some time, she’d realize we were right. And if that didn’t work, I planned on showing her just how good it felt to be loved by the Kane boys.

Sam acted quickly the moment the truck came to a stop. In one move he got out and pulled Katie out after him, slinging her over his shoulder and hauling her into the house, ignoring her protests at being tossed around like a sack of potatoes.

By the time I followed them inside, Sam had already ordered Katie to bend over and put her hands on the kitchen table. Sam was clearly distracted at the sight of those gorgeous breasts straining against her shirt as she bent over. As he worked to free them from the straight-laced button-down top and frilly bra, I came over and gave him a hand by pulling up her skirt to reveal that full, luscious ass.

She gasped with outrage when I nudged her legs apart, but didn’t try to stop us. Our little Katie needed another spanking and she knew it. What better way to get her mind off that crazy job?

I stepped back and watched as Sam smacked her ass once, twice.


“Again,” Sam said, the sound of the slap echoed off the tiles. “When you stop thinking about work, we’ll stop spanking you.” He did it once more and I was mesmerized the way her creamy flesh shifted beneath his palm. “Well, maybe not.”

My cock had been hard as a rock in the truck and I was just about ready to explode watching that ass turn red and those tits sway at the impact. But that was nothing compared to the look on her face—the exquisite mix of pleasure and pain that had her biting her lip and arching her back, silently begging for more. Yeah, she wasn’t thinking about work now.

A few more slaps and all three of us were ready to come. I saw Sam fumble with the button of his jeans as he got ready to fuck her from behind. She was primed and ready—but I could make it even better. Dropping to my knees behind her, I parted those sweet cheeks and saw her wet an

d waiting. That was all the invitation I needed.

Her thighs stiffened beneath my hands as my tongue found her pussy. Wrapping one arm around her hips, I flicked her clit as my tongue laved her from behind. Her moan was low and sweet as I heard a condom wrapper open.

Now she was ready. I’d no sooner pulled back when Sam pushed me out of the way and shoved his cock into her in one hard thrust that had her gripping the edge of the table and calling out his name, my name—hell, the woman was screaming for both of us and God, too.

I came to her side and licked her ear, nibbled at her neck, pinched her nipples while Sam fucked her hard. All the while I whispered in her ear how fucking hot she was. How naughty. I told her that she was ours and only ours. I didn’t stop until she was screaming that, too. That she was ours.

She and Sam came quickly.

“About damn time,” I muttered, grabbing a condom of my own, opening my pants and sliding it on. “You’ve fucked her three times now and I’ve yet to be in that pussy.”

It was finally my turn. Scooping her limp body into my arms, I headed for the couch in the living room, leaving Sam to clean himself up. Hair tousled and damp with sweat, that damned skirt that was still cinched around her waist, Katie had never looked more fuckable. I could hardly wait for my turn, but first I had to make sure she knew who was in charge.

I set us both down on the couch and then pulled her so she was sprawled facedown across my lap. Her rounded bottom still bore some red marks from the spanking Sam gave her but nothing that wouldn’t fade within the hour.


“My turn, sweetness. My turn to prove you belong to us.”

“By spanking me, too?”

“You love it. And it makes you focus on just me. My hand, my cock pressing into your belly. My control.”

I gave her a few light swats, then a little harder, making her yelp.

Now, I had to do my part to show her how good it could be if she let us take care of her. If she chose us for her husbands, we would be in charge and she would love it. I told her that in some form or another as I brought my hand down on her ass.

“Tell me what you want, sweetness.”

She raised her head slightly, just enough so I could hear her say it. “More.”

“That’s right, sweetness, you’ll never get enough of us taking care of you.”

I brought my hand down again and then rubbed the sore flesh, soothing the sting I knew she felt, knew only made her hotter. I heard Sam mutter, “Oh holy fuck” when he entered the room. The sight of Katie sprawled across my lap with her ass in the air had us both horny as hell.

He sat beside me on the sofa, positioning himself so his cock—already hard again—was under Katie’s head. No one had to tell her what to do next—she took the length of him in her mouth and let Sam guide her head up and down in time with her spanking.

I waited until I couldn’t last any longer, the sight of Katie sucking on Sam’s cock as she got spanked was just too damn hot. In one motion, I repositioned us so she was on all fours, her head in Sam’s lap and her ass in the air.

She never stopped sucking on Sam, not even when I slid my cock inside her pussy and started fucking her. I couldn’t help the groan that tore from my throat. She was so hot, so tight. So wet. When I teased her asshole, her moans were muffled by his cock. Sam came first and I watched our girl swallow as he arched his hips up off the couch. She followed close behind, a pinch of her clit sending her over the edge and taking me with her. I couldn’t hold back, my need to come too great.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic