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“Because my vibrator doesn't prattle on like the two of you do.”

Sam chuckled, took in my defiant stance. “God, I love a ball buster.”

My cell rang and Sam pulled it from his pocket, looked at the screen.

I stepped forward and tried to get it from him. Yes, the asshole tossed it to his cousin.

I felt panicked at the sight of my phone, hearing it ring and not being able to answer it. “I need to get that.”

Jack shook his head. “No, you don't.”

“It might be Cara.”

“It's not a Montana area code so whoever it is can wait.”

“But it might be work.”

“And it's nine, two hours later back east. They can fucking wait.” Jack slipped it in his shirt pocket.

My mouth fell open staring as my phone disappeared.

“You know what she's doing?” he asked his cousin.

“Yup.” Jack crossed his arms over his chest, mimicking me.

“What?” I asked, confused. The two of them individually were ruthless. Together, they were lethal. “What the hell am I doing besides trying to get my fucking phone back?” I tapped my shoe on the pavement.

Jack tsked me. “Language, sweetness.”

“Bite me.”

Jack looked me over as if debating where to do just that. My nipples were hardening as if letting me know they were volunteering.

“You're getting all angry so we'll make the decision for you,” Sam said, pulling his keys from his pocket. A car chirped in the lot.

“You two could be axe murderers.” I highly doubted it, but if they were, I imagined we'd fuck first, then they'd chop me up into bits.

Jack pulled out my cell from his pocket and fiddled with it. He put it up to his ear.

“What are you—?”

“Cara, hey, it's Jack Kane. Yeah, I've got Katie here with me. She'll be with us, so if you don't hear from her tomorrow, don't panic. She'll be sleeping off a night with the Kane boys.”

He pushed the button on the phone, slipped it back in his pocket.

I couldn't help but laugh at the man's audacity, holding my phone hostage. And mortified. “Oh my God. You did not just say that.”

Jack held out his hand. “Let's go, sweetness. We'll give you a night your friend Elaine won't believe.”

What did he have, better than perfect vision, to see my IM so clearly? “Then I'll get my phone back?”

Sam laughed, slowly shaking his head. “We're not fucking you in exchange for your phone.”

I arched a brow. If I gave in, would they think me easy? God, after what I did in the back hallway, the answer was definitely a yes. “Oh yeah?”

“We're fucking you because you need orgasms,” Sam replied.

Jack nodded once, eyed me from head to toe. “Lots of them.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic