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Sam grabbed my cell from my hand, held it up in the air so the only way I could reach it was to climb up on the stool. I wanted the phone back bad enough, but I refused to be baited.

“We can debate all night. Hell, it would be fun and a serious turn-on, trust me. But it's nine at night. Even later in New York. Work can wait.”

Reaching behind him, he slipped my cell in his back pocket. I eyed his ass.

“Try for it. Trust me, I'll like it.”

Another fucking grin. Cocky bastard.

I narrowed my eyes.

He circled his finger at me. “This prickly lawyer routine probably scares people away. I find it fucking hot. That outfit is your armor, right? Let's dance.”

He didn't give me a chance to argue further, only tugged me onto the small dance floor and put his hands at the small of my back. We were close. Real close. I could smell him, not clingy cologne, but soap that smelled like the outdoors and pure unadulterated male.

A swat to my ass had me startling.

“Chill. The. Fuck. Out.”

I narrowed my eyes, ready to strike him dead with a zinging one liner.

“That look is only going to get you kissed. Dance.”

I took a deep breath, let it out. I had Sam Kane's hands on me, his thumbs stroking over the top swell of my butt. Speaking of my butt, it was warm where he'd spanked me.

“I've killed people with my stiletto before,” I warned him, beginning to move.

“No doubt you have a whole string of dead bodies in your wake.” He shifted his hips, slid his leg between mine, making my trim skirt ride up my thighs. I was practically riding his thigh, which was not bad at all.

“The thing is, doll, that's another turn on.”

I laughed then, trying to cover up my growing desire. Who knew arguing was hot as hell? And that swat, it made my ass tingle and my pussy wet. My libido was singing, no, screaming at me to press my body chest to chest and thigh to thigh. I wanted his hands to move a little lower, to settle on my ass. I wanted to bury my nose in his neck and breathe his subtle scent into my lungs. If I were being totally honest, I wanted his cock pounding me into oblivion so I didn’t have to think about all the bullshit I was dealing with in New York. I wanted to forget about work, and life, and the asshole back at the office who was, most likely, stealing clients from me at this very moment.

“Stop thinking, doll, or I'm going to have to spank you again.”



“You are a misogynistic asshole,” she muttered.

My hands pressed her into me more firmly. She couldn't miss the feel of my cock, rock hard, against her belly. Even with her killer heels, she was tiny. Well, she wasn't tiny, she had lush curves that felt incredible against my palms. Her breasts were mashed into my chest and I swear I could feel her nipples harden.

I didn't know why her attitude got me hard, but it did. She wasn't mild. She sure as hell wasn't meek. From the emails we'd shared about her uncle's will, her work schedule was insane. It had taken her a month just to rearrange her appointments and get work on board for this trip. Her throttle was wide open and she refused to slam on the brakes. That made me want to be the one to slow her down.

“Let's go, doll.”

I tugged her off the dance floor, pulling her with me across the bar and down the hallway by the restrooms, then around a corner to a small area by the emergency exit. The lights here were dim, the music quieter. While someone might come upon us, no one would think to go past the bathrooms unless there was a fire.

I pressed her up against the wall, my hands at her hips holding her in place. Even with the dim green glow of the exit sign, I could see her eyes widen.

“Asshole, definitely. Misogynistic?” I shook my head, looked at her parted lips. “I love women. Even ones who are pricklier than a cactus. But like I said, you need to chill the fuck out and I'm the one who's going to make you do it.”


??Oh really? And how is that? Gift certificate for a massage? Free yoga class? Yeah, I've tried it all.”

I slowly shook my head. “Yoga? Hell, no. Although I bet you look damn hot in those tight little pants. You need to come a few times. That should loosen you up.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater County Erotic