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I tacked the last on because I saw the way their gazes narrowed, their jaws clenched at the mention of Patrick touching me.

“Then you want us to fuck you?” Boone asked.

I blushed. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Just the thought of doing more with them than kissing, or them kissing me in other places made me shift in the comfortable seat. “Yes.”

“So you want a one-night stand with us specifically,” he added.

I shook my head. “Yes. I mean…no.” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath. Confused. Flustered.

“What do you want?” Jamison asked, his thumbs moving in circles on the insides of my knees, parting them slightly.

It was mesmerizing. Soothing. Completely distracting. My eyes fell closed and I just felt.

“I want more than that. More than sex.”

“But you barely know us. We’ve just met,” he countered. His voice was low, even. Soothing.

“It doesn’t matter,” I replied, my eyes opening to meet his gray gaze. I felt the insane pull between us. The electrical charge in the air, the need. “I can’t explain it, but I just know that I want you, that I want it all.”

Neither said anything, instead grinned broadly. Blinded me with their good looks. I’d thought they’d been panty dropping with their brooding gazes, but this? I had no defenses strong enough for wicked smiles.

“Well?” I asked, frowning. Waiting.

“Think, Kitten,” Jamison prodded. “Use that gorgeous brain of yours.”

I thought about everything we’d just said and realized they’d talked me in a full circle. My whole concern was that they’d been interested in me too quickly, when I had fallen for them just as fast. They’d gotten me to admit as much. I wanted them just as voraciously as they wanted me, even if we’d just met. Time didn’t matter, just like Jamison’s concern about age difference. It didn’t change a thing. Nothing mattered but being with them.

“Oh.” I was an idiot.

“Oh,” Boone replied, sliding across the couch to get closer, to use his fingers to brush my hair back over my shoulder, lean in and kiss my neck.

I whimpered, the need that had been simmering instantly flared back to life.

“So my talk of wanting a family didn’t scare you off? I don’t do casual. I’m not wired that way,” I whispered, tilting my head to the side.

I felt Boone’s lips turn up in a smile against my neck, just before he flicked his tongue out and licked a spot I had no idea was so sensitive.

“We’re here, aren’t we?” Jamison asked, his hands sliding up the insides of my thighs. His fingers were a few inches shy of my panties.

“Do you want both of us? Two men. Not just one night. Not for a wild ride. For more,” Boone said.

I nodded and Boone’s hand cupped the back of my head, turned me so he could kiss me. There was no gentleness now. His mouth opened over mine, his tongue demanding immediate entrance. I couldn’t deny him. I didn’t want to.

“Say it, Kitten,” Jamison said, pulling his hands away. “Because we won’t fuck you and take your virginity unless you do. This is so much more than one night.”

I opened my eyes, looked at him, squirmed as Boone nibbled at the base of my neck. His cheeks were flushed, his lips clamped into a thin line. He was tightly leashed and I knew all that need, that dominance he was holding back, was just for me.

“God, this is crazy, but yes, I want you both. For more than one night. For…everything.”

I did. I wanted it all. The hope these two instilled in me, along with the lust, was heady. I should run the other way. Men only wanted in your pants for a night, that was all. I knew guys would say anything to get sex. Promise things then yank them away the following morning. To walk away. But I knew, deep down, Jamison and Boone weren’t like that.

Technically, I was Jamison’s boss. Kady, too. He’d be giving up a lot for an easy lay. There had been so many sexy, eager women at the Silky Spur who’d be satisfied by a quick romp and nothing more. Barlow was a small town. If it turned out Boone just wanted a fling, he wouldn’t be able to hide from me. I was confident he had no intention of moving away, not being a local doctor. They wanted this as much as me. They felt the connection.

“Then it’s time to break in that pussy, Kitten.” Jamison put his hands back on my knees, slid them up the insides of my thighs once again, parting my legs wider than before. “Are you wet for us?”



Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance