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It was beautiful. Peaceful. But very, very remote.

“We’ll get you settled inside and you can explore your new house,” Cord said. He’d been quiet for a while now and his deep voice slid over me, gave me goose bumps. “Rest. This place is yours now.”

They both hopped from the truck. Before I could even get the door open, Cord was there, reaching across to undo my seatbelt for me. His big hands were on my waist again to help me out.

“Is there anyone else here?” I asked as I slid down his body. Yes, Cord slid me down his front so I could feel every hard inch of him. My breasts tingled at the contact, the heat of him. And when he set me on my feet, he didn’t let go of my waist. I couldn’t do anything but stare into his dark eyes.

“No one else. Just you.”

“Oh,” I replied. In Philadelphia, I lived in the suburbs in a neighborhood with houses close enough to know a little of each other’s business. I often waved to the older man across the street, got his paper when it was too cold for him to go outside. The kids next door frequently woke me up early on Saturday mornings with their antics in the back yard. But here?

I had no neighbors. No houses for what seemed like miles. And a grocery store? It had to be back in the last small town we went through, twenty-minutes down the road. The empty road.

“There’s a housekeeper, Mrs. Potts, who used to come every day when Aiden was alive. She’s only been coming once a week since his funeral, but was in yesterday. Stocked the fridge for you with some things so you wouldn’t starve while you got settled. But now, it’s really up to you if you want her help or not.”

I glanced up at the house. “I have no idea what to do with cows. Or horses. I’ll kill them all from neglect. Can she take care of them?”

Cord’s thumbs slid back and forth over my skin, goosebumps rising down my arms. “Your father set aside money to maintain the ranch. The animals, the buildings, to pay the hands who run the place. You don’t have to worry about any of that.”

“That’s all my job, as executor,” Riley said coming up to us. He held up a key. “All you have to do is…well, whatever you want.”

Suddenly overwhelmed, I sighed. “I want a nap.”

Cord stepped back, took my hand in his, led me up the steps. “Then that is what you shall have. We’ll pick you up at six for dinner. Will that give you enough time?”

I stared at him, surprised he didn’t ask, just told me I was having dinner with them. They were well aware though, that I had no other plans. It wasn’t like I could come up with an excuse, not that I wanted to.

Riley unlocked the front door, pushed it open, but didn’t enter.

Ignoring Cord’s question, I peeked in. There were no lights on, but the rooms that I could see were well lit from the windows. Dark furniture, thick drapes. Wood floors. All mine and all alone. Suddenly, the idea of inheriting a ranch in Montana seemed daunting. And lonely.

“Yes,” I said in a rush. I didn’t want to have dinner alone, regardless of how it came about. I wanted to be with Cord and Riley. They made being here bearable. Not that I wasn’t thankful, but it was a lot to take in. To come to terms with. A ranch, the size of what, Rhode Island? I’d been imagining the house, the property ever since I’d learned about it. But I hadn’t thought of either man. Now, it was reversed. My mind was filled with them. Their size, their smiles. Their scent. I hadn’t imagined they’d be, well…everything that they were. Dominant, comfortable in their own skin, confident. Gentlemanly, courteous. Dark. A tad dangerous and oh so appealing.

Having them leave me seemed…scary. I felt protected and safe with them, that everything was going to be okay. That I wasn’t alone. I hadn’t felt that way in a long, long time.

But I was a grown-ass woman, and I could pull up my big girl panties and spend a few hours in a big house by myself. I cleared my throat. “Six is fine. Thank you.”

Cord nodded, then stepped back, dropped his hand. “Until then.”

Riley winked.

And when they walked down the steps and I was able to take in their fine asses in their jeans, I realized I was in really big trouble. I had the hots for two Montana cowboys.



“Haven’t you ever heard of being in someone’s bubble?” Kady asked, squirming.

I stretched my arm out behind her along the top of the booth, leaning in. She sat beside me, so close I could see the freckles on her nose, breathe in her scent. Lemons? Fuck, was that shampoo or body lotion? I inwardly groaned thinking about her all pink and dewy from the shower, spreading creamy scent all over her skin. Good thing my hard-on was hidden by the table.

“You mean crowding someone? Getting in their space?”

We were in one of the local restaurants, a quieter one where it was more about the food than the bar. Barlow, Montana, was small, about ten thousand people made it home. There wasn’t a single box store or chain, just a quaint Main Street. It was a simple town and life had been just as simple for Cord and me until Aiden Steele had fucked with it, from the grave.

Five bastard children, all who inherited the ranch. Unbelievable. The guy hadn’t kept it in his pants. While the three daughters we’d contacted had never known of their father, he’d known of them. Enough, at least, to know they existed. He’d never once contacted them, at least that was what my father’s files had said. I’d met Aiden Steele a few times, but never as his lawyer. While I’d technically had that title when my father died, Aiden had never contacted me for my services. It was only when I became the executor of his estate at his death did I learn about the man. And his wild past.

When I’d opened the will—for the first time the day after he died—I’d groaned, run my hand over my face knowing my life was going to be taken over by this one client. And paid handsomely for it, based on what was outlined in the will. And this one was solid. There would only be an issue of its validity if the sanity of the signee came into question. While Aiden Steele had been sane and savvy in his ranch dealings to everyone who knew him, he’d apparently never considered settling down. Or monogamy.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance