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“Better than the closet,” Riley answered for her.

She just nodded against his chest.

My cell rang and I stood, pulling it from my pocket. Since it wasn’t a ranch number, I had to assume it was Archer. Because of this, I walked into the kitchen so Kady didn’t hear.

“Yeah,” I said into the phone.

“It’s Archer. Your girl okay?”

I ran my hand over my face. While I’d wanted Kady in our house more than anything, I didn’t want her here for this reason.

“Seems to be. From what she’s told us so far, she never saw the guy.” I kept my voice low when I heard her and Riley talking. “We made sure she never saw the body.”

All she knew was someone had been in the house and we’d come for her. That was plenty. She wasn’t ex-military and she wasn’t a cop. This shit didn’t happen in her world.

“That’s good.” I heard Archer sigh. “No ID on the guy, but he had a Ka-Bar tucked into an ankle sheath.”

“Shit.” That was a serious fucking knife and he’d planned on using it. And the only one in the house had been Kady.

“None of my guys recognize him as from around here. We’ll get him to the morgue, get his prints, see what comes up.”

I heard Kady whimper. Shit, I didn’t want her to cry again. I couldn’t handle it. Those tears were like a knife to my heart. And the way she’d clung to me, wrapped herself around me like a fucking monkey, she’d been desperate for comfort. I had to hope Riley could soothe her since I’d done a shit job if she was back at it. I moved so I could see into the other room, to check on her. But Kady wasn’t crying. Far from it. She was still on Riley’s lap, but she was now straddling his waist. One strap of her tiny nightgown was off her shoulder and Riley had his mouth on her exposed nipple. I couldn’t miss the placement of his hand either. Beneath the hem of her gown and between her thighs. Her head fell back with a moan and her hips were rocking.

This, I was not expecting. At all. I’d envisioned settling her on my lap as we watched a movie, let her feel safe and protected. Not well-pleasured.

“This is what you need?” Riley asked, glancing up at Kady from her breast. I could see the exposed nipple was hard and wet from his mouth.


It took me a second to realize Archer was still talking, and I hadn’t been paying any attention. “Yeah,” I replied, my voice rough. My cock swelled instantly at the sight of Kady fucking herself on Riley’s fingers. Up and down she went, rocking her hips, her breasts swaying as she did so. And

that scant nightgown was hotter than any sexy lingerie I’d ever seen.

“I’ll keep you updated,” Archer said.

I gave a grunt as a reply and looked away long enough to end the call. Dropping the cell on the counter, I was ready to go and join them, but I stopped. Listened.

“That’s it. Make it all go away. You’re safe. Good girl,” Riley crooned to her, then leaned in and suckled at her nipple again, released it with a loud pop. He grinned up at her as she cried out.

“It’s not enough,” she gasped, then whimpered when Riley leaned back.

I heard the metal of his buckle, then saw his hands go to Kady’s hips and pull her down.

She cried out, her eyes flying open. Riley groaned at the same time and I knew he was balls deep in her. He hadn’t been gentle or slow. No, he filled her right up in one go. But the sounds Riley’s fingers made as he’d worked her proved she was wet. He wouldn’t have taken her if she wasn’t ready.

Wiggling a little, I could tell she was adjusting to having a cock cram her full. Her hair was a curly mass about her head, and with her nightgown off one shoulder and her breast bared, she looked as wanton as fuck. As if she were an innocent and Riley was doing a damned good job of defiling her.

But he was only fucking her. In the pussy. Not much defiling with just that. But there was so much more we were going to do to her, so many dirty things that maybe she was an innocent in certain ways.

He began to move her then, guiding her up and down with his hands on her hips. Her breasts bounced as he took her harder.

Watching was a fucking turn-on. I had to open my pants, just enough to pull out my dick, let it have room to grow because every single gasp of pleasure, every single slick sound of her pussy gobbling up Riley’s dick had it growing harder.

Perhaps it was the adrenaline or the fact that she’d been as horny as we were, but Riley got her to the brink within a minute. Her eyes were glazed over with her passion, and when I gripped the base of my dick and a groan escaped, her gaze lifted to mine.

She didn’t still. She couldn’t because Riley was working her. Her eyes widened in surprise at being caught, at discovering she was being watched while being fucked, but all it did was make her come.

Her hands landed on Riley’s shoulders as her eyes fell closed and she tensed. Screamed. Fuck, she had a gorgeous come face.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance