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“This…whatever it is. It’s intense,” she admitted, waving her hand between the three of us. “I’ve never…it’s never, I mean, it shouldn’t be like this.”

“Like what?” Riley asked.

She closed her eyes for a second, then met my gaze head on. “Potent.”

“Fuck, yes,” Riley said.

Potent. That was one word for it. She was like a fucking drug.

“We feel it, too, sweetness. We told you we wanted you. We aren’t changing our minds.”

While I said the words, Riley nodded his head in agreement.


Riley stroked his finger down her cheek. “Good girl.”

“Tell me, sweetness. Are you wearing panties?” We had to leave, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t leave her thinking about us. To make her ache for us as much as we did for her. And for us to have a token to take along for the ride.

A little V formed in her brow. “Yes.”

I crooked my finger. “Give them here.”

Riley moved to lean against the counter, crossed his arms to watch.

She eyed us both, and before our eyes, we could see her mind switching gears, shifting to aroused by our words, what we wanted her to do, to the way we watched. It was a gorgeous thing, this subtle submission. She might be surprised with the pace this was moving, but she was all in.

I pressed my palm against my cock, willing it down.

Her hands moved up the outside of her thighs, lifting the hem of her dress as she went until she hooked her fingers in the elastic of her panties and slid them down her legs. Just a hint of her ass was offered before the dress moved back into place. Carefully, she worked them over her new boots and stepped out of them, holding the little scrap up with one finger.

They were lavender, lace and miniscule.

I reached out, took them from her. They were damp and still warm from the heat of her pussy. I groaned.

“Are you wet for us?” Riley asked.

Kady nodded.

“Touch yourself and show us.”

Reaching beneath her dress once again, she followed Riley’s command and stroked over her perfect flesh. Her eyes fell closed and her lips parted, and I knew she was touching herself.

“Show us,” Riley repeated on a growl.

She lifted her hand, showed both of us the two fingers that were glistening with her juices.

Riley stepped up, gripped her hand and took those slick digits into his mouth, licked them.

“Fuck, so sweet,” he growled once they were all clean. “Cord’s nickname is perfect for you.” He glanced at me and I knew he was seconds away from pushing her back on the damned island, parting her thighs, pushing up the dress and eating her out.

“Your pussy, Kady, is ours,” Riley said.

I thought she would argue, that we were being possessive bastards, but she only nodded. I clenched my jaw, knowing that pussy was indeed, ours. And when we took her again, nothing would be between it and our dicks. No condoms, only skin on skin. Raw fucking.

“No touching our pussy,” I told her. “You want to come, you wait for us to get back tomorrow. We’ll take real good care of you then.”

Her eyes held mine and I saw the eagerness, the neediness there. We were all turned on, ready to fuck, and we were all going to be cranky until tomorrow.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance