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I’d also considered that possibility. That we’d been irresponsible, that we could have gotten her pregnant.

“Oh, that.” She slid her fingers behind her ear, although her hair was pulled back. A nervous habit I was just learning. “I’m on the pill, so no worries there.”

I sighed and Riley gave her a shaky grin. While the idea of making a baby with Kady was hot as fuck, it wasn’t for today. Or, at least, it wasn’t until she was ready. Yeah, it was crazy as fuck, considering a baby. But I wanted Kady, and I wanted to see her belly grow big with a child we put there. To know our cum filled her up enough to make one.

“I’m clean. I can show you the paperwork if you want.” Riley glanced my way. “It’s not like us to do that. I’ve always used a condom. Every time, until you.”

“Same with me. Every time, but with you, I completely lost my head. And I am, too. Clean, I mean. Just tested last month,” I assured her.

She spun about, pulled mugs down from the cabinet as the scent of coffee filled the big kitchen, busying herself.

One wall of the room was all glass, the view to the west showed snowcapped mountains and the near paddock. Horses were grazing as the sun worked its way into the sky, burning off the dew and the rain from the night before.

“Okay. We may have done things a little backward, but I am, too. Clean. I gave blood last month.”

Riley stepped up to her from behind, put his hands on the counter on either side of her hips, caging her in. “That’s good,” he said, leaning in and murmuring in her ear. “That’s real good, because that means we can go bare again.”

She spun around, looked up at him, but Riley didn’t move, just kept her confined with his arms. “Have you done this before?”

“Fucked bareback?” Riley asked.

She closed her eyes for a second, as if the conversation was hard for her. “No. Yes. I mean, taken a woman. Together.”

I came around the counter, leaned against the fridge so I was right beside her. “You’re the first for us. First to fuck bare. First to claim together. First to take outside like that. Rough. Hard. Hell, sweetness, I wanted you too much to even get you through the door.”

She smiled then, clearly pleased she’d had that power over me.

“We just need to know if we were too much.” I reached out, stroked a finger over her shoulder. “If we bruised you. Made you sore. You said yourself I’m big. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She shook her head, her green eyes meeting mine. “You didn’t hurt me. I-I liked it.”

I sighed, smiled as someone knocked on the door. Kady turned her head toward the sound.

“That’s probably some of the men from the ranch,” Riley told her. “They wanted to meet you and we told them to come when we were here. Didn’t want you worried about a group of strange men showing up on your doorstep.”

Figures. When our woman told us we hadn’t been too rough and she’d liked the wild fucking we’d given her, the guys from the ranch had to show up. While she said she wasn’t sore, I had my doubts about that. Two big dicks she wasn’t used to pounding her perfect pussy meant she needed a little break. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t get beneath that pretty dress of hers for a little taste. I was sure she would be sweet. Like honey.

Riley pushed off the counter and went to get the door. I waited for Kady to follow, then walked beside her, put my hand on her waist. I couldn’t resist the contact.

Two of the men came in and Riley made the introductions. While they weren’t as big as me, they were large, especially standing side by side. Formidable, yes. But they wouldn’t hurt Kady. No fucking way. These guys took care of women. Watched out for them, protected them, even if they didn’t belong to them.

“Kady, this is Jamison, the foreman and Sutton, the lead wrangler.”

They removed their cowboy hats and shook her hand, offering small smiles and keen interest. They knew of the will, the five daughters inheriting it all and had been as curious as the rest of us about them. Since Kady was the first one to come to the ranch, and she was beautiful at that, she held their curiosity. Kady, in turn, eyed them with the same interest. Not sexual, but something like surprise. They weren’t east coast pansies in suits or worked out on a treadmill. They got their muscles by hard work and life experience from a rugged Montana life.

Jamison was a decade older than me. Close to forty, he was serious, stalwart. A true cowboy through and through. Too fucking old for Kady. Sutton liked things a little kinky in the sack and if that was something Kady liked, Riley and I were the ones to give it to her. He wasn’t ever laying a little pinky on her.

I glared at them behind Kady’s back, making sure they understood she was taken. While I didn’t think any of them were attractive, the ladies in town seemed to think so and were drawn to them like fucking magnets. I just had to hope Kady didn’t feel the same pull. I knew Jamison and Boone, the town doc, were looking for a woman to share, but hadn’t found her yet. And since Kady didn’t object to threesomes…

“Ma’am, nice boots,” Jamison said with a courteous smile. “I live in the cabin by the creek if you ever need anything.” He angled his head toward Sutton. “He and the others are in the bunkhouse. The ranch phone numbers are on the side of the fridge if you ever need any of us.”

Kady nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to stop down and introduce myself to everyone else before too long.”

“If you’re interested in riding, I can get you saddled up,” Sutton told her, tucking his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans.

Riding? The only thing Kady was going to ride was my dick. Just like she had the night before pressed up against the house, nice and hard and deep and wild. And those heels? Fuck, they’d been like spurs, making me wilder than ever.

After Kady shared her thanks for the invitation, the men didn’t linger. It may have been the very obvious look I gave them behind Kady’s back that had them saying their goodbyes. They had shit to do as far away from Kady as possible.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance