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Me! They both wanted me. Holy crap. Two men. Not just any two men. Riley and Cord. They were drop-dead gorgeous with incredible bodies, wicked smiles and smarts to back it all up. And out of all the women out there, they’d told me I was beautiful. Ha!

And the things Riley had said—me on my knees before them. God, I got hot all over thinking of them standing before me, their cocks gripped in their tight fists as I licked at one, then the other before alternating and taking them as deep as I could. Or climbing over their thighs and taking a cock nice and deep before going for a ride. Or being mounted by Cord, fucking me like a wild animal as I sucked Riley’s cock.

As we walked across the parking lot, my tawdry thoughts were blown away by the wind that had kicked up while we were inside. Thick clouds loomed overhead. It was going to storm, and soon. Cord’s hand settling at the small of my back as he led me to Riley’s truck had me interested in his hand other places. God, what would it be like to have more than just their sharp gazes on me? A mouth on my nipple, a finger sliding over my clit? A cock filling me, stretching me open? If they focused the same attention to having sex as they did to conversation…

I whimpered, thankful the sound was hidden by the wind. After Cord lifted me onto the front seat, I could feel the lingering effects of his firm hold. I clenched my thighs together on the ride back to the ranch. About a minute down the road, the rain started, a deluge and Riley had to slow down. The wipers couldn’t keep up with the storm, and the pounding of the rain made talking impossible.

I felt like I was in a safe cocoon with them. No one else in the world existed. It was easy to forget about the phone call with Beth. Her manic behavior, hot and cold as if she were back on drugs. One minute she was excited to talk to me, the next, furious with me for having a father I’d never even known leave me tons of money. She said it wasn’t fair that I got all the breaks. I knew the words by heart, the perfectly aimed verbal assault at my emotions. She was exceptionally good at plucking at every one of them until she got what she wanted. But this last time she went to rehab, when I’d had to use the equity in our parents’ home to fund it, I’d somehow been able to let go. I was the one footing the bill. Even doing that, I was enabling her.

Riley reached out, took my hand in his for just a second, then let it go. I turned, smiled at him and realized I had to live my life. And that meant understanding what this—attraction—was between us. I’d felt it the moment I’d laid eyes on them and it hadn’t changed since. No, it had changed. It had only become more intense.

I’d never felt like this before. I’d had lovers, but even having sex with them had never made me feel as needy, as turned on, as I was right now. I wanted to reach beneath my dress and play with myself, my fingers easily sliding over my clit because I was so wet. My panties were ruined.

Ever since the airport, it had all been foreplay, leading up to this. To what I decided to do. They’d made it very clear what they wanted. Me. Maybe I didn’t have to figure it out. I could, for once, be spontaneous. Go with it. All I had to do was say yes.

Riley’s truck bumped over the cattle guard again, signaling we were close to the house and pulling me from my thoughts. The rain had tapered off, the strong winds pushing it to the east as fast as it had come through. I’d stared blindly out the window the whole way, the rain making it impossible to see much of anything, and focused solely on my body, on how my panties were ruined, my nipples hard and sensitive against my lace bra. I ached for them. Both of them.

I was crazy. This was crazy, but it felt right. They felt right. My mother always said that when I found the right guy I’d just know. Well, I’d found two. I didn’t want to choose between them and they weren’t making me.

Both of them wanted me and they were going to share. To do things with me I hadn’t even imagined.

Share! I was a second-grade teacher, completely unexciting, and I was going to have a threesome with two hot cowboys. I bit my lip to stifle a nervous laugh. I was going to do this. I was going to take these men inside, into my bed. Into my body. My needy, achy, wet pussy.

Riley pulled the car up to the front of the house, turned it off and got out. The rain had stopped completely, but he stepped down and I couldn’t miss the splash of water from the muddy puddles on the driveway. Cord climbed from the back seat and opened my door. We were eye to eye, and the look he gave me was searing.

Intense. His jaw was clenched, his dark eyes almost black. His body was rigid as if he were holding back. Perhaps he was. I’d been scared of him at first. Now, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. He’d keep me safe, even if it were from himself. They’d given in to my wishes, to end our date early. At least that was what they thought.

Instead of helping me down to the ground like he had the previous times, he wrapped an arm about my waist and carried me, bodies pressed together, toward the house.

“Cord! I’m too heavy!” I cried.

He grunted, but not from exertion. “Sweetness, you’re light as a feather.”

Automatically, I set my hands on his shoulders as he carried me up the porch steps. He didn’t look away, only the corner of his mout

h tipped up. “Don’t want to get those pretty shoes all wet and muddy.”

That was it. Any doubt I had was gone. I wanted him with a desperation I’d never known. They were thoughtful and courteous, chivalrous and sweet. Yeah, I didn’t want any of that now. I wanted just what Riley had boldly described in the restaurant.

And so I did the only thing I could think of.

I kissed Cord.

And wrapped my legs around his waist.

He didn’t kiss me back for a moment as if I’d startled him. His body stiffened, his fingers tightened about my back. Then, he groaned and angled his head and took over, his hands settling on my bottom, cupping me in his big palms.

God, yes. I doubted I’d ever be in control in the bedroom around these two. I didn’t want it. I’d made my wants known and he was now leading.

I felt the hard siding of the house pressed against my back, Cord’s solid warmth at my front. And between my legs, I felt the thick ridge of his cock. I couldn’t help but shift my hips up and down to ride it.

I whimpered as his kisses moved to my jaw, down my neck.

I tilted my head back, gave him better access.

“I wanted to leave the restaurant because of this, not because I didn’t want you,” I said, panting.

He didn’t stop kissing and licking my skin.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance