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Then, she was through the door. She didn’t turn around even though my eyes tracked her the whole way.

“Oh, I like her,” Katherine mused. She finished another glass of champagne and then swam to my side. “She has teeth.”

“I’m not dense, Ren. I know that you were just being nice to her for my benefit.”

“Me?” Katherine gasped. “I’m always nice.”

The rest of the crew laughed.

“Are you though?” Lewis asked. “Don’t get me wrong. We love you. But…you are Katherine Van Pelt.”

“I’ll remember this,” she said, pointing at them. “I’m nice to people who deserve it.”

“Who deserves it in your estimation?” Lark asked, fighting back a laugh.

“Fine,” Katherine muttered. “But Natalie makes it easy to like her. Especially with the way she insults our Penn here.”

She slid her arm around my waist, leaned into my side, and fluttered her eyelashes at me. The thing with Katherine was complicated. Always had been. And when she did things like this, all she did was blur the line.

I moved out of her embrace. “She’s just hurt. Not the first girl I’ve hurt.”

Rowe snorted. “Or the last.”

“I think you have your work cut out for you,” Katherine said smugly.

“It’s not like that,” I said automatically.

Even as I said it, I knew it was a lie.

I wanted Natalie. She confused me. She intrigued me. And despite all my training in ethics, I wanted to throw my morals out the window and go after her. Fuck that smart mouth. And have her crying my name out.

And if I didn’t stop that train of thought…it would become pretty evident what I was thinking about.

“We all know that look, man,” Lewis said. “She gets under your skin.”

“You love girls who get under your skin,” Lark said.

“She doesn’t get under my skin.”

“Yeah, okay,” Rowe said.

“So, fine. Whatever. It’s hardly a challenge if I’ve already slept with her.”

“I really don’t think so,” Lark said.

“Nope. No way,” Lewis said. “She seems to hate you.”

“I’m sure, if I tried at all, she’d be eating out of the palm of my hand,” I muttered like a fool, trying to hold on to a sliver of pride.

Katherine grinned slyly. “I’ll take that bet.”

“What? No. I don’t have to bet on that, Ren.”

“Afraid you’ll lose?”

“No, I think it’ll be too easy,” I said confidently.

“Guys, please don’t,” Lark said. “Don’t you remember what happened last time?”

“I remember winning that one, too,” I said with a challenge leveled at Katherine.

“Still too soon,” Rowe said.

“Feels like old times,” Lewis said. “You two whipping out some ridiculous bet. Well, I’m with Penn on this one.”

“See,” I taunted Katherine.

“Well, man, it’s because you need the most help. Natalie is going to eat you alive.”

I shot him a frustrated look. “So much confidence in me.”

“Well, I’m out,” Lark said, crossing her arms. “This is my vacation, not another chance for you two to go at each other’s throats.”

“It’s just for fun, Larkin, my love.” Katherine wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“Until it’s not.”

“What are the terms?” I asked.

Lark sputtered, “Seriously?”

Katherine leaned forward, dragging Lark into this, too. “You have her eating out of the palm of your hand by, say, your mom’s annual party. You bring her to the party, and we’ll get an impartial judge to weigh in. You have two months.”

I shrugged casually. “Easy. I only needed a night last time.”

“And, if I win,” Katherine said, tapping her chin, “you’re mine for a night.”

The pool was silent. I should have anticipated her answer. Should have seen where this was all heading. This wasn’t about Natalie. This wasn’t because Katherine had liked Natalie and wanted to see her stand me up. Oh, it went much deeper than that.

That meant…I had to hit her where it hurt.

I smiled and saw her own smile waver. “Fine. And, when I win, you set a date for the wedding with Percy.”

Katherine flinched.

“Harsh,” Lewis muttered.

“You guys don’t have to do this,” Lark whispered once more, trying to be the voice of reason.

But she’d known us long enough. She knew we were two of the most competitive people in existence, and neither of us could back down from a challenge. Especially from each other.

“Fine.” Katherine stuck out her hand. “If you win, I’ll set the date.”

I shook her hand. “Deal.”

I didn’t let her see that I was enjoying this. The bet was a pretense. Now, I could go after Natalie without any shit from my friends. I could get her back on my side. Figure out what lay under that guarded exterior. Discover all her new truths. Claim her. Touch, lick, kiss every inch of her beautiful body.

Under any other circumstances, we wouldn’t have worked. We came from two different worlds.

I was Manhattan royalty. She was the help.

But I wanted her all the same.

Part II

Let The Games Begin



I never wanted to drink again.


The next time I thought about downing nearly an entire bottle of bourbon, I was going to just knock myself out instead. It would be faster. Maybe even less painful.

Tags: K.A. Linde Cruel Billionaire Romance