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“Reese, sunshine, you in here?” I slide off my boots, placing them on the new rack that’s been added. She’s placed her stamp all over this house with pictures of us. It’s now more of a home rather than a house it’s ever been. Another shoutout to my mom, no less. All those shopping trips seem to be paying off, and it’s not killing Reese to have any issues with spending money, even if it isn’t hers. That argument happened a time or ten, but now that she’s found a job here in town to start in the fall, it’s not killing her to watch every single penny.

“In the back bedroom,” I hear Reese’s voice carry through the house, my feet moving me towards her. Wondering if she’s started working on that room next. If I had it my way, we’d be turning it into a nursery soon. That will happen one day. We’re on the same page in the way that we both want at least three or four children. The only snafu we’re having is the timeline on when that will be happening.

“Mother trucker, tell me you did not bring that thing inside the house?” Reese looks up at me, holding up this tiny creature, pink in color, slightly fuzzy, with black spots.

“Who, me?” She bats her eyes at me, a serene smile on her face, and in her arms is a baby pig.

“Sunshine, you know it’s not going to be able to stay inside the house, right?” I hate to break it to her, but there’s no way a pig can stay indoors. Not with how big they get.

“Wolf, it’s a wittle little baby, plus it’s teacup size. It’ll stay this little forever. Please?” Reese pleads with me.

“Where’d you find her?” I can tell it’s a girl by the pink tutu she has the little munchkin dressed in.

“The farmers market. Can you believe it? The guy was giving them away. You’re lucky she was the last one left. If I had gotten there any earlier, well, let’s just say we would have had them all here.” She’s so damn proud of herself that I don’t have the heart to be upset.

“It’s a good thing I love you, sunshine. You know it’s not sleeping with us, though, right? Because I draw the line at that.”

“What about in our bedroom?” she tries to counter.

“No fucking way. If it were our own baby, absolutely. But not a pig.” I’m shutting that shit down right here and now.

“Fine, but it’ll be you who gets upset when I traipse out of bed in the middle of the night to let Piglet here go potty.”

“Nice try. I’ll get up with her if need be, but you’d still take her out regardless of if she’s in our room or not. Has Dominic met her yet?” There are days I can still find her outside talking to the cows, chickens, and donkey. It seems now there’ll be a pig added to the mix, much to my chagrin.

“Yes, but she didn’t care too much for him. Of course, that could be because he tried to snack on her, crazy donkey.” I watch as Reese puts Piglet in the round pen she has set up, patting her little body, cooing almost, and damn if this woman wouldn’t make a perfect mother to our children.

“He’ll have to get used to her. It’ll just take time. Dominic probably thinks she’s a toy.” My arms wrap around her after she walks towards me.

“Probably. How was your day?” Reese’s head tips up, looking at me.

“It was a day, better now that I’m home. Shower with me?” I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, my lips meet hers, and I take her mouth, devouring her taste, feeling her hands glide up to my shoulders, our tongues tangling with one another, and there’s no way I’m letting her go. I have one thing on my mind, and that’s getting Reese wet and naked.



I knew by the possessive way Wolf took my mouth that I was going to be in for a delicious night. He wrapped me up around his body, bypassing our bedroom and heading to the master bathroom. The summer dress I’m wearing already has Wolf’s hands gripping the cheeks of my ass, my wetness coating his fingertips that meandered to my slick center.

“Wolf,” I moan against his lips, but I also want to get his attention.

“You need me, sunshine?” Wolf slides me down his body, letting me go in the process, and I watch as he yanks off his shirt, displaying his bare chest, lightly smattered with hair. My eyes watch his hands as he unbuttons his jeans, baring his hard, thick cock to me, and I can’t believe the words that are about to come out of my mouth.

“You, I always need you, but tonight, I kind of want something different.” I unclasp my bra, allowing it to slide down my arms, baring my breasts to Wolf’s gaze.

Tags: Tory Baker Bad Boys of Texas Erotic