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I didn’t know what else to do because I was so scared, so I grabbed Ronan’s hand and squeezed it, squeezed it so hard it was like I was going into labor. “I can’t lose him, Ronan. I just can’t. That man is everything to me…”

He squeezed my hand back. “He’s everything to me too.”

Bosco stared at The Butcher for a long time, his arms by his sides with a calm look on his face. He sized up his opponent with his poker face, hiding every thought deep below the surface. He slowly moved as he circled The Butcher.

The Butcher grinned like this was the happiest day of his life. He was already bloody and covered with sweat, but he seemed rejuvenated to see Bosco face him himself. “When you’re dead, she’s mine.”

The second part of that threat didn’t scare me. Only the first part. I didn’t care about myself in that moment because all I cared about was Bosco getting out of there alive—and without a broken knee.

Bosco’s expression didn’t change even though a comment like that would normally make him snap.

“I’m not sure if I can watch this…” I covered my cheek with my hand, uncertain if I wanted to cover my eyes or keep watching. “If Bosco is about to lose, will you intervene?”

Ronan shook his head. “I can’t. It’s against the rules.”

“But this is your brother—”

“Trust me, he wouldn’t want me to.”

Bosco was the first one to rush in, moving quickly with his lithe and ripped physique. He slammed his fist into The Butcher’s face and another into his stomach, making him stumble back from the force.

Bosco quickly stepped back and pulled his fists toward his chin, just as a boxer would. His slacks hung low on his hips, and his muscled physique gleamed from the sweat he’d already produced. He wasn’t nearly as large as The Butcher, but he was definitely quicker.

The Butcher recovered then laughed, like that hit did nothing. “That’s all you got?”

Bosco remained silent, refusing to react to his taunts or make some of his own. He was fully focused on the fight, not distracted by his hatred.

I kept squeezing Ronan’s hand. “I want this to end.”

“It won’t be long.”

The Butcher charged Bosco suddenly, moving his head down like ram trying to destroy a boulder.

Bosco moved out of the way then slammed his knee into The Butcher’s face.

The Butcher fell to the ground but quickly got up.

“Bosco knows how to fight?”

Ronan nodded. “Martial arts, boxing, and street fighting. He’s conserving his energy, only taking the hits he knows he’ll land.”

I was relieved Bosco knew what he was doing.

When The Butcher got up, he was angry. His nostrils flared like a pissed bull, and he went after Bosco again, moving quicker. “When I get my hands on that little bitch, I’m gonna fuck her in the ass so hard—”

Bosco slugged him in the stomach then slammed his face down into his knee. He somehow remained calm even though The Butcher was saying all the right things to get a rise out of him.

The Butcher snapped and threw his fists, landing three in Bosco’s face and one in the gut. He came at him with every bit of his strength, slamming all of his weight into the punches and beating Bosco until he was bloody.

“No!” I covered my face, unable to watch.

“Come on, Bosco,” Ronan said under his breath.

More cheers and boos erupted as the fight went on.

Listening to it was just as bad as seeing it, so I looked up again.

Bosco’s face was dripping with blood, but so was The Butcher’s. They were both breathing hard, becoming exhausted by throwing the punches as well as taking them. Bosco’s left eye was already darkening, and blood streaked from both nostrils.

“And when I’m done fucking that bitch, I’ll slit her throat and leave her on your mother’s grave.”

I held my breath at the comment, knowing that would get to Bosco.

“Shit,” Ronan said.

Bosco’s eyes widened, and he moved in, slamming his fists into The Butcher’s face.

The Butcher covered himself with his arms and laughed, laughed loud enough for everyone to hear. “Finally found a button.” He slammed his fist up, hitting Bosco underneath the chin.

Bosco fell to the ground.

“No!” I brought Ronan’s hand to my face as I started to tremble.

“Get up, Bosco,” Ronan said.

Bosco stayed down, seeming to be unconscious.

“Oh my god…oh my god…” I covered my face and started to sob. “No…please.”

The Butcher started to speak. “The king has fallen. Now it’s time for me to break each bone. One at a time—” His words died in his mouth, then there was a loud smack as his heavy body hit the pavement.

I opened my eyes again, seeing Bosco on his feet and standing over The Butcher. He slammed his bare foot right on the other man’s throat, making The Butcher cough loudly. Then Bosco snapped his elbow, breaking it with an audible crack.

Tags: Penelope Sky Lingerie Romance