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Bosco turned to me. “What would you like to drink, Beautiful?”

I was a little stunned by all the attention he was getting, having a group of men wait on him like he was some kind of emperor. “I’ll have the same.”

“Scotch on the rocks,” he ordered.

The men left to fetch the drink.

Bosco turned toward me and pressed his lips to my ear. “Never order from the waitress. Only order from my men.” He pulled away and nodded to the dealer, who started to deal the cards for the game.

I didn’t get a chance to ask why.

The men brought my drink a moment later. “Cigar, miss?”

“Uh, no thanks,” I said quickly. “I don’t smoke.”

The round started, and the men exchanged their cards and examined their hands. Bosco took a drag from the cigar then let it sit in his mouth as he examined his hand.

I didn’t look at his cards, afraid I would give him away by accident.

More chips were piled into the center as the men raised their hands.

Bosco had never looked calmer, like this high-stakes game was how he spent his time relaxing.

The women kept pressing up against their men, practically sitting on their laps.

I sat in my chair and remained still, watching the game and feeling the tension rise.

Bosco let the smoke out of his mouth and nose before he set the cigar back in the ashtray.

I’d had no idea he smoked since I never smelled it on his breath. That was probably why he brushed his teeth every night before bed, to get the taste off his tongue. I wasn’t a fan of smoking, but I didn’t mention my opinion during a time like this.

When it was one of the other men’s turns to raise or fold, Bosco directed his gaze on me. He gave a subtle tap to his thigh, commanding me to get closer to him.

I knew what he wanted, for me to smother him the way the other women did their men.

I wasn’t sure if that would distract him, but obviously, nothing was going to distract a man like him. I moved into his side and hooked my arm around his elbow. I pressed into him, feeling his muscular side against my body. My chin rested on his shoulder, and I ignored the smell of the smoke that filled the room. Most of the men were smoking, not just Bosco.

The man folded, leaving three men in the round.

Once Bosco had my affection, he kept playing. Another man folded, leaving Bosco and one other man. The chips were piled even higher in the center, and then the cards were laid down.

The man had four queens.

Bosco had a royal flush.

“Bosco wins the hand.” The dealer pushed the chips toward him. “Congratulations, sir.”

Bosco snapped his fingers, and one of his men organized the chips into a special case.

The other men were visibly irritated and their women rubbed their shoulders, but they didn’t leave the table.

“Another round, sir?” the dealer asked.

Bosco nodded. “Another.”

When Bosco was finished, we left the table, my arm hooked through his like he preferred.

“How much did you win?” I asked, unsure where he was guiding me. We passed more tables that were filled with terrifying-looking men. Some were dressed nicely the way Bosco was, but others had tattoos on their necks and faces. But they weren’t handsome the way Griffin was. They reeked of hostility.


“Five dollars?” I asked blankly.

He smirked as he stared ahead. “Five million.”

Oh shit. I just witnessed a high-stakes game without even realizing it.

Bosco kept walking, reaching a back set of elevators that were guarded by more security. They all had serious artillery, enough to handle any kind of attack. There was a man standing there dressed in a navy blue suit with a gray tie. He had the same dark hair as Bosco and the same gorgeous eyes. With a similar facial structure and build, he looked so much like Bosco, there was no doubt who he was.

Ronan Roth.

Ronan gave his brother a slight grin when he approached, a silent conversation passing between them. He hit the button on the elevator then shifted his gaze to me. “It’s lovely to meet you.” He extended his hand to shake mine. “I’m Ronan, Bosco’s brother.”

I shook his hand. “I know. You guys look so much alike.”

Ronan grinned. “But I’m more handsome, right?” He winked then turned to the elevator.

Now I knew they had similar personalities too.

Bosco wrapped his arm around my waist and escorted me into the elevator. “Carmen has high standards, so I wouldn’t bother, Ronan.”

We gathered in the elevator, and the doors shut.

Ronan stood with his hands in his pockets and leaned against the opposite wall. The elevator shifted and started to move down. “They can’t be that high. I mean, come on.” He nodded toward his brother.

Bosco stared him down with a cold expression.

Tags: Penelope Sky Lingerie Romance