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“Sapphire, Vanessa is here to see you.”

“She is?” I hadn’t spoken to her since I left. Her father must have told her I’d returned. She either wanted to yell at me for changing my number and forgetting about her, or she was just happy that I was back.

“Yes. I’ll whip up some dinner, and you two can talk in the dining room.”

“Thank you, Dante.”

Just the way he did with Conway, he gave a slight bow. It was something he didn’t do before, always treating me as a guest of Conway’s rather than a resident. But now that had changed, judging by the sign of respect he just gave me.

Maybe he liked me, after all. “I’ll be there in a second.” I made a pit stop to the bedroom and changed my panties, since they were still soaked from my self-induced arousal. I changed my dress too, afraid that I smelled like sex. The last thing I wanted Vanessa to think about was me having sex with her brother.

I made my way downstairs and stepped into the dining room. Vanessa was already there, wearing a long-sleeved red shirt with black skinny jeans. A glass of red wine was in front of her, along with a basket of fresh bread.

She rose to her feet when she saw me, not cracking a smile. Her eyes narrowed, but it wasn’t clear if it was from anger.

My eyes drifted to the floor. “I’m sorry…about everything.”

She came around the table and wrapped her arms around me. “Don’t be sorry. The only one who should be sorry is my brother. He’s a fucking dumbass.”

I laughed into her shoulder and hugged her back. “My phone didn’t work in New York, so I had to get a new one. I wasn’t ignoring you on purpose.”

“No, I understand. And I’m sure talking to me would have just made it harder on you.” She pulled away and looked at me with the same softness her mother expressed sometimes. She radiated maternal warmth and didn’t exude a hint of judgment. Vanessa was sassy, but only when someone provoked her. I’d never seen her say a bad thing about anyone unless she was poking fun at her brother.

We sat across from each other, and Dante served dinner, chicken with rice and vegetables.

I hadn’t had rice in months. It looked so damn good.

Vanessa poured me a glass of wine before she ripped off a piece of French bread. “I’m trying not to eat too many carbs, but I can’t pass up Dante’s bread. He’s a genius.”

“I know.”

“I asked him to show me his secret, but he refused. He’s lucky Conway won’t fire him. Once I’m making money, I’m gonna buy Dante out from under Conway. I’ll pay him double what my brother pays him.”

“Good luck. He seems pretty loyal.”

“People are only loyal until the money is on the table.”

I was surprised she didn’t immediately question me about the ordeal with Conway. Maybe her father already told her the details, so it seemed pointless to have that discussion. I didn’t want to talk about it anyway, so I guess it didn’t matter.

“So, how was New York?” she asked. “Was it nice to be home again?”

Not at all. “I was born and raised there, so I know all the nooks and crannies of that place. The people are interesting, and the opportunities are endless. And the food is great too. But honestly, once I came here, this felt like my home. New York felt like a place I’d been to once before, but it was only temporary. Going back didn’t feel right. The second we pulled up to the house here…it finally felt like I was home.”

Her eyes softened. “It is your home.”

“It’s good to be back. And obviously, it’s good to be with Conway. I’ve never been so miserable. I’ve lost my parents and my brother, and the loss still didn’t compare to the heartbreak of losing Conway.”


I picked up my fork and took a bite of my chicken, keeping my gaze down in embarrassment.

“I’m glad Conway finally got his shit together. My father told me he wouldn’t commit. I don’t know why men are like that. They don’t want to be with one woman until they realize they’ll lose her if they don’t straighten out.” She rolled her eyes. “I think a real man loves his woman like a psychopath. If love doesn’t make him crazy, then he’s not doing it right.”

“I think he’s just afraid of how it’ll affect his work.”

“I think he’s just a pussy.”

I laughed before I could get the food into my mouth. Only Vanessa had the sass to say things like that.

“But I’m glad he manned up. My father and I never talk about my romantic life because it’s way too awkward, but he told me I should only be with a man who’s man enough to love me with everything he has—and wear his heart on his sleeve. If he doesn’t say he loves me in a room crowded with people, then I need to find someone better.”

Tags: Penelope Sky Lingerie Romance