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It was a baker’s dream kitchen, and Emmerson loved to bake. Even though her dream had been to be a wedding planner for as long as I could remember, she had also fallen in love with cooking. Any chance she had to make something or bake some fancy dessert, she was doing it.

Emmerson was also active on social media, as was Hailey, mostly for the businesses. I truly believed Emmerson’s ability to connect with people, both on a professional and personal level, was what helped her grow her business.

“I’m in a bit of a pickle with the charity auction for the Children’s Hospital of Austin.”

I slid onto one of the barstools at the kitchen island. Our folks had always been huge supporters of the children’s hospitals in both Austin and Dallas. So it didn’t come as a surprise that when Paislie stepped down from the auction’s planning committee after years of serving on it, Emmerson had joined and filled in for her mom. Paislie had loved being on the committee, but it had begun to take up more and more of her time—and Emmerson quickly realized that the same thing was happening to her.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked as I pushed Lady off of my legs for the sixth time.

Emmerson drew in a deep breath and exhaled. “You know how I’m on the committee for the auction?”

I nodded.

She began to chew on her thumbnail while her eyes darted everywhere around the kitchen, avoiding me at all costs.

Laughing, I said, “Just spit it out. Emme. It can’t be that bad.”

A nervous giggle slipped free as she said, “I sort of volunteered your help with the auction this year.”

Was that it? Why was she so worried over that? It wasn’t like I hadn’t ever donated to the auction before.

“That’s not a problem. What do you need? A ride around the Formula One track?”

She frowned. “Shit, why didn’t I think of that?”

“Well, with me no longer racing, I doubt any autographs will really bring in much money. A ride around the track would, though. I’ve still got some contacts there.”

“It’s not anything like that. I volunteered you for something…different, but maybe that track ride would sweeten the deal even more.” She did a quick sweep over me with her eyes—and then blushed.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “What did you sign me up for, Emme?”

She pressed her lips together tightly before she said, “They begged me to have you in it, Landon. Begged! I didn’t know what else to do.”

My stomach dropped slightly. “Have me in what?” I slowly asked, dread filling every ounce of my body.

Glancing down at the floor, she mumbled something.

I leaned in closer. “What was that?”

Her head dropped back and she groaned. “The annual charity date auction. They asked me if you would be in it, and I sorta said yes on your behalf.”

I felt my mouth fall open. “You mean, I have to go out on a date with whoever bids the highest amount?”

She forced a smile. “I mean, really, how hard could it be to go on one simple date?”

I stared at her with what I was sure was a disbelieving look. “How hard could it be? Emme, I’d be going out with a total stranger who paid for me! Like a gigolo! That’s fucking creepy.”

She frantically shook her head. “It’s only for dinner. That’s it. Nothing else, I swear.”

My eyes felt huge, and I stared at her without blinking. “As if I even thought there would be something else.”

She waved me off and reached down to pick up Lady. “Please, Landon? Please do this for me, and I’ll do anything you want. Cook your favorite dinners and desserts for a month. I’ll do your laundry for the rest of the year. I’ll even make you macaroons! You know how much you love macaroons!”

I shook my head. “I don’t know, Emme. Why can’t Noah do it?”

She pouted, and I nearly groaned at the sight of those soft pink lips puckering, instantly imagining them around my dick.

I shook the image away and cleared my throat as she spoke.

“Noah isn’t famous, and wasn’t voted one of NASCAR’s most popular drivers, or listed as one of People’s sexiest men. Plus, he’s dating Amy! Please, Landon. I’d be the queen of the committee for at least two years.”

“That’s what this is about?” I asked with a frown. “To gain popularity?”

“No! You know I have never taken advantage of you like that, and I never would,” she stated. “Okay, fine, maybe I’m hoping it will gain me a little something, so I can quietly slip away from this committee. It’s so much work, and I just don’t have time for it. And just think about the money you’ll bring in. Please? Do it for me?”

Those ice-blue eyes of hers would get me to do just about anything, especially when she looked at me with such desperation.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Southern Bride Romance