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“This is Emmerson. Micky! Yes, I took care of booking the DJ. Yes, I got the one you asked for. No, I promise you, it’s the right one. Don’t forget we have the cake tasting. Did Doug get off for it? Good! Perfect, we’ll talk soon then.”

I sat up and ran my hands down my face, only to have Lady jump up in an attempt to greet me with her version of a good morning.

“Morning, sweet girl. No kisses just yet,” I said as I managed to avoid her licks.

“Want to take a shower?”

I snapped my head up to look at Emmerson. “W-what?”

“A shower? Want to take one?”

I swallowed hard and stared at her with what I was sure was a shocked look on my face.

She tilted her head as she regarded me. “I’ll make your favorite breakfast while you’re in there.”

Riiight. Me in the shower. Alone.

Of course. You stupid freaking idiot, did you honestly think she was inviting you to take one with her?

“You don’t have to go to any trouble for me.” I stood up and stretched my aching joints while Lady jumped and twirled around me.

Emmerson glanced at the sofa and then back to me, a slight blush hitting her cheeks. “I can’t believe I slept on you all night. You must be aching.”

I shook my head. “Nah, I actually slept pretty damn good, even with you half on me and your dog laying across my feet.”

She gave me the sweetest smile, and I swore my fucking heart skipped a beat, if that was at all possible.

“I did too. Maybe we should sleep together again.”

I lifted my brows, and she held up her hands as she said, “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, we’ve never even had sex. Not that I would mind—no, wait, I mean…we wouldn’t ever…um… Okay, I’m going to stop now. Go take a shower. I’ll take Lady out and then I’m going to make you my famous vanilla French toast.”

I wanted to reach over and take her in my arms and ask what in the hell she meant by that slip of the tongue. Not that she would mind? Now I was more confused than ever. I quickly decided to let her slip go, if only so I could concentrate on her other words: that we would never sleep together. What did she mean by that?

Shit. Shit. Shit. I’m going to overthink the hell out of this, I know it.

I started for her guest bathroom after I decided to let her off the hook. To lighten the mood, I turned around and asked, “With whipped cream?”

She looked at me as if I had just asked the stupidest question ever. “Of course. And no, I won’t use the canned shit.”

Placing my hands over my heart, I let out a dramatic sigh. “I should really marry you simply for your French toast.”

She rolled her eyes. “Because that marriage would work.”

As I made my way down the hall, I called out, “You never know!”


ONCE THE SHOWER turned on, I grabbed my phone and called for Lady to follow me as I made my way out to the back porch. I hit Hailey’s number.

“Good morning! You ready to start planning this wedding of mine?” Hailey sing-songed into the phone.

“I’ve got a Code Red!”

Hailey started to choke and then cussed. “What the fuck! You need to give a girl a warning before you blurt that out, Emme. I was taking a drink of my Starbucks mocha latte!”

I glanced back at the door nervously. “I only have a minute, but it’s bad. Like oh-holy-shit bad.”

“Okay, take a deep breath and tell me what happened. I didn’t realize you went out with anyone last night. I thought Landon was hanging with you.”

Drawing in a breath through my nose, I slowly blew it out. “Yes. I mean, no, I didn’t go out with anyone, and yes, Landon was here. He stayed the night.”

Hailey gasped as Lady barked.

“Fucking finally!” Hailey nearly shouted.

“What? No! What? Wait, what do you mean finally?”

Hailey groaned into the phone. “For the love of all that is holy in this world, you are both in love with each other. It’s about time you had sex.”

I nearly dropped my phone. “Wait, what?! I’m not in love with him! He’s like a brother to me. And why do you think he’s in love with me? Has he told you that?”

If my heart started beating any harder, I was positive it would burst from my chest. Had Landon admitted to his sister that he had feelings for me?

“Well, no, but it’s obvious to everyone. You should see the way he looks at you when he thinks no one’s watching.”

My breath stilled, and I turned back to stare at the door. “What?” I whispered.

“Listen, I’m so tired of pretending like I don’t notice the way he stares at you or how you stare at him. Both of you clearly want something more than friendship.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Southern Bride Romance