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“Pinky promise?”

I linked my little finger with hers.

“The other matter is that my dad let the investigators do a routine urine drug screen on me and Stefano. They had a rapid results urine strip test and Dad thought it would be in our best interest to be cleared. Stefano had coke and alcohol in his system. I had alcohol, MDMA, and opioids.”

“What the hell, Harley?”

“Well, the opioid part was wrong and Dad and Stefano told them so. So they’re going to run some more advanced testing on the sample. But the lady doing it said there are certain things that can lead to false positives, like poppy seeds—yuck—or over the counter cold meds, or other things like … pregnancy, rising HCG levels that throw the test off. So she asked me if I wanted to test to rule that out, and she had me sign an extra consent form. So I peed on another little strip after that, and it was positive.”

My grip on my drink tightened until my knuckles were white.

“I told my dad and he sort of flipped, but it was kind of hard to outdo the dead guy in the pool. So he asked me if it had anything at all to do with last night, and I said yes. That’s when he started looking for flights.”

My heart was in my throat and my entire insides had liquefied. The idea of that piece of shit defiling the woman I loved was too much to bear. “And did it?” I asked her. My voice shook with rage.

“No, silly.” Harley hugged me and slid onto my lap to straddle me and wrap her arms around my neck. I grabbed her ass cheeks which were easily accessible through her cut-offs. “The pregnancy has everything to do with you, we weren’t careful and I think I was ovulating that week, too. Are you mad at me?” Her plump little lip jutted out in her signature pout. I couldn’t love Harley any more than I already did, but at that moment, my heart was soaring at thirty-five thousand feet and going faster than the jet we were flying in.

I looked her in the eyes, and hers shone with excitement, but her expression was one of devotion and I was so thankful that she trusted me.

“And this baby of ours, of “significant importance,” this baby we’re keeping and raising together in Italy?” I held the back of her head and searched her beautiful face for signs of regret. “Is this what you want, Harley? Because I need you to be happy.”

She kissed me then, full on the mouth, dragging her tongue over mine and then sucking it into her mouth. Her hips rocked forward and back over my already raging erection. I unzipped her little red velour sweatshirt, only to realize that underneath she was naked. She reached down between us and unzipped my jeans, then slid to the floor between my legs and sucked my cock into her wicked mouth. I watched her bob her gorgeous head on my swollen dick until I was on the verge of shooting my load. I’d never had sex on plane before, shit, it was my first flight.

Harley quickly stood and made short work of her cutoffs, underneath which, she was completely commando. This woman I loved, was full of perpetual surprises. She climbed onto my lap again and lowered herself slowly onto my cock, while I sucked her nipples into tender receptive little nubs and held her ass in my hands. I didn’t think I could ever get enough. When I was finally filling her up, as deeply as possible, she began to ride my dick, all the while kissing me like there was no tomorrow.

I imagined her round with my child and it warmed me inside. I saw the three of us picnicking in the countryside in my mind’s eye, leaving behind all the evil and corruption and disparity of our old lives.

Harley liked to drive fast cars, she like to push the limits and the boundaries of whatever was put in front of her, but most of all, Harley Brooks of East Point liked to go hard, with life, with love, even with sex. I planned on protecting her and keeping her in line just as her father ordered. And I also planned on adoring the ever-loving fuck out of her for as long as humanly possible. I could usually fix any problem that was put in front of me. If my father and the South Banks taught me anything at all, it was that nothing is impossible. And I was flying on a jet, fucking the hell out of my own gorgeous impossibility.

“Wyatt, I’m coming,” Haley moaned into our kiss. I picked up my speed and met her thrust for thrust as she came apart on my lap. I pinched her nipples hard and spanked her tight ass as she rode the waves of pleasure and cried out all the while.

Tags: Aria Cole, Mila Crawford Romance