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“You’d be surprised.”

I chuckle. “You think you can insinuate that you still care and that would somehow change my mind? Get out, Liz, and keep going until you get back to where you’ve been for the past seven years.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I won’t run away, but I bet you will.” She smiles, looking pained and disappointed at the same time. “It’s amazing how much you’ve changed, Aidan. The man I knew would never have run away from a challenge.”

With that comment, she strides to the door and out of the apartment. I hear the door slam behind her, bristling as I go back to the bar and start to pour myself another drink before I think better of it.

You’re afraid to think of what would happen if we work together.


sp; “No, Liz,” I mutter. “I’m not.”

I watch the clear amber liquid swirling in the bottle for a long minute before pushing it away. If this continues, I’ll be a relapsed alcoholic before the play opens. Working with her would likely drive me crazy, but I’m going to do it, because she challenged me, and she knew when she did it that I wouldn’t back down.

Chapter Eighteen


Dad is sitting up in bed while his nurse hovers over him. She watches him swallow his medication, then satisfied, she gives me a smile and leaves the room.

“Being sick is boring,” he complains.

“I can imagine.” I pat his hand. “Would you like to go out?”

His eyes go to the window and he grimaces, shaking his head. The soft classical music playing from the speakers lends a melancholy air to the room. I wish he’d let me change it to something livelier.

I walk over to the windows and open the blinds. “We could go for a drive.”

“Maybe another time.” He closes his eyes as a haunting interlude from Chopin fills the air. “Your mother could listen to this for hours.”

He rarely talked about my Mom when I was growing up, but now, he mentions her every day, and even though I want to hear his reminisces, I’m also scared that it means he has resigned himself to an imminent reunion.

I return to the side of the bed and take his hand. “She wouldn’t want you to give up, not when I still need you.”

“I’m so proud of you, Sweet Pea.” In his lined face, his eyes are sharp. “You know you don’t have to come here every day. Especially since you’ll soon be busy with the play.”

“Never too busy to see you.”

He smiles. “I hear Aidan is not quitting the play after all.”

Remembering my last encounter with Aidan, I sigh. “Natalia confirmed he’s staying.”

“She says you persuaded him.”

I snort out a laugh. “Persuaded is not the word I’d choose. I mean…I tried, but the only person who can make Aidan Court do anything is Aidan Court.”

“Maybe,” my dad concedes. “At least you’ve got what you wanted.”

Have I? I only have to think about Aidan for my mind to be flooded with images of all the things I want from him… with him. I pull in a sharp breath and smile brightly.

“Did I mention there’s a presser later this afternoon? Part of the publicity for the play. I have a few hours before I leave. Would you like me to read to you?”

He nods, and I read until he falls asleep, glad for the moment not to have to answer any more questions about Aidan.

A few hours later, I arrive at the presser. An intern from the publicity company leads me to a back room, where the other members of the production are waiting for the cue to join the press in the conference room.

I recognize my co-star Todd Feldman and wave. A wiry man with black-framed glasses and a shock of frizzy white hair introduces himself as Gary, the publicist for the production. Natalia is across the room with the sound, lighting and production designers. Busy interns buzz from one corner of the room to another like bees, offering coffee and water.

Tags: Serena Grey Swanson Court Romance