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He grins, putting a hand out to stop the doors. He looks great, his long brown hair drawn into a bun at the back of his head, like some hot new-age guru. His sweet caramel eyes are soft and smiling. “It sounds like you’re happy to see me.”

I join him in the elevator and grab him in a tight hug. My relationship with Chadwick is uncomplicated. I know he’d like to sleep with me, and he takes my refusal to fall into bed with him with good humor. It’s refreshing, with no pressure whatsoever. “I’m always happy to see you, Chad.”

He gives me a sidelong glance. “So… not that I have anything against elevators, but… can I suggest that we go somewhere more private so you can show me how happy you really are?”

I giggle and swat him on the shoulder. “How are you?”

“Still hot for you.” He winks. “How are you?”

“Hanging there.”

You ran off,” he says accusingly. “That night at my party. You just disappeared. Almost as soon as you arrived.”

The memories of that night at the Swanson Court come crashing into my head, and Landon. Always Landon. I sigh. “I’m sorry, Chad. I had… Something came up and I had to leave.”

He accepts my excuse with a nod just as the doors swish open and we walk out into the ground floor lobby. Laurie is standing by the self-opening glass doors at the entrance, and she waves as soon as she sees me. I wave back, and Chadwick’s eyes follow the direction, landing on Laurie.

He does a quick double take. “Wow.”

I don’t blame him. Laurie is gorgeous even on the most ordinary days. Right now in her slim-fitting pants and stylish pink blouse, with her hair falling down to her back in soft black waves, she looks exceptional. I give Chadwick a warning look. “Don’t even think about it, she’s my cousin.”

“What an incredible gene pool,” he exclaims softly, following me towards the entrance. Laurie gives him an appreciative once over before turning to me. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” Chadwick is still standing beside me, staring at her, his jaw somewhere on the floor. “Er... This is Chadwick,” I say, somewhat amused. “Chadwick Black. Chad, my cousin Laurie.”

“The Chadwick Black?” Laurie eyes him from head to toe. “Hi.” She draws out the word.

For the first time since I’ve known him, Chadwick looks as if he doesn’t know what to say. “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he says finally.

“I know,” Laurie replies with a laugh.

“Of course you do.” He still looks gobsmacked. “I want to take pictures of you.”

She gives him a small, amused frown. “No.”

“I probably want to marry you.”

“Ha ha,” Laurie grins. “Nope.”

He puts a hand on his chest. “My heart is broken.”

“He’s cute,” Laurie tells me, laughing. She turns back to Chadwick. “Rachel’s told me so much about your work.”

Chadwick grins, recovering himself a little. “Only my work?”

Laurie laughs again, looking up into his face, and touching him lightly on the shoulder. She’s flirting. “It was nice to meet you, Chadwick,” she tells him before linking her arm through mine as we leave the building.

“He is hot,” she says, once we’re out of earshot.”

“He’s a slut.”

Laurie snorts. “Aren’t they all?”

I don’t have anything to say to that. As we walk along the sidewalk, Laurie pulls out two candy bars from her bag and offers me one. I bite into the chewy sweetness and sigh, wondering how many I’d have to eat in order to forget my craving for Landon.

“I’ve got more in my bag,” Laurie announces, almost as if she can read my thoughts.

Tags: Serena Grey Swanson Court Romance