Page 88 of Unconditional

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“But…but it was you.” It’s so dark, I can’t make out anything as we continue to drive. We could be going North to Washington, or hell even Canada. I manage to get my bound hands in my pocket, so I can hold my necklace and onto the hope that Cal will save me.

“Madeline, you have become so reliant on my brother. He’s sheltered you so much. You’re not even the least bit prepared for the real world, and that should scare you. Me tailgating you isn’t the scariest thing out there, you know.” My fists flex instantly, wishing I could just hit him once for speaking about this whole situation like it’s nothing. I watch as he unscrews a fifth of what smells like vodka and brings it to his lips. “Want some? I know you’re a bit of a lush.”

I ignore him and go back to his earlier comment, not wanting him to think that he’s the scariest thing I’ve encountered. Never let them see your fear. “I’m fully aware you’re not the scariest given that I was in the house when my father murdered my mother.”

“Your mom was probably a slut too,” he grumbles. “I’m sure that’s where you get it.”

I see red. I’ve always heard that expression, but I didn’t think people actually saw red clouding their peripheral vision. I had no idea rage could manifest into a color and take over your senses until you’re so blind that all you can see is the color most associated with anger. “Fuck you, Henry.” I spit out. “You’re going to burn in hell for this.”

“Oh, sweetheart. I’ll see you there.”

“WHY THE FUCK IS HER phone off?” I slam my fist against Aria’s dashboard hard as we make our way towards the location of Maddie’s car. I’ve sent cops to Melanie’s house and told them to strip that house of every inch to ensure Maddie is not there. And all those fuckers are coming in for questioning.

“Cal, calm down.” I watch as Aria swerves into a different lane, missing a car by a mere millimeter. But I don’t care, nothing matters in this moment but getting to my girl. Hang on, baby.

“I’m not going to calm down. Something’s wrong with Maddie, and I’m not there. Maddie needs me, Aria.” I feel my chest tightening as the thoughts of letting her down overwhelm me. Why else would her phone be off and her car reporting that she’s on the other side of town when she was supposed to be at her friend’s party.

She would never get in the car this late at night without letting me know where she’s going. Something’s wrong.

I rub my face, and my leg begins to bounce nervously. “Can’t you go any faster?”

“I’m goin

g eighty, Cal. We won’t be any good to her if we crash.” My phone rings and I answer it on the first ring.

“What do you know?” I bite out.

“Cal,” Ryan’s voice comes over the phone and immediately I fear the worst, “the kids are all wrecked, but they’re saying she left.”

“Where the hell is Sasha Parker?” I ask about Maddie’s best friend.

“She was…occupied with her boyfriend when we got there. When they were fully clothed, she said she left about an hour ago. But she’s borderline hysterical now. She’s freaking out that you don’t know where she is.”

I press a hand to my forehead. “Let her go. Issue citations to everyone else.” I bite out. Even though Sasha is a troublemaker, I know she cares about Maddie and has been a good friend to her. Maddie was quiet and reserved her freshman year and didn’t talk to anyone. Sasha came bulldozing into her life and decided they were best friends and ultimately helped bring her out of her shell. She’s a sweet girl, she just gets into too much trouble.

“She wants to speak to you.”

“Put her on,” I grunt. I don’t have it in me to deal with her, but maybe she knows more than she told Ryan.

“Cal!” I hear the tears in her voice. “Cal, you have to find her.”

“I know, Sasha. I’m fucking trying. But her phone is off and her car is in a bad part of town. Was there anyone at this party that you didn’t know?”

“No! It was just the usual crowd. Melanie said no randos after the last time. Cal, we should have made sure she got to her car safely. I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay, Sasha,” I say even though it’s anything but fine. All those fucking guys there, and no one could have seen her to her car? I know Sasha’s boyfriend was usually a standup guy, which makes me think that he was too busy thinking with his dick around the time that Maddie left.

“Listen, I’ll call you if I hear something. Please keep your phone on in case she calls you.”

“She won’t call me before you Cal…You know that.” She sniffles. “She loves you so much.”

I swallow and clear my throat, hearing her unspoken words. Did Maddie tell her? Or is she reading between the lines? “Right, well, just keep me posted.”


We make it to the bar that looks like a crime scene. Maddie’s car is parked in a spot, and I immediately spot her phone next to her car. No.

I’m out of the car instantly, and reach for it when Aria screams for me to stop.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance