Page 66 of Unconditional

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She casts a shy glance at the house before turning back to me. She leans across the console and presents her lips to me. I cup her face and kiss her senseless, before peppering kisses all over her face. She sighs and stares up at me like I hold the answers to all life’s questions. “That better not be the last time you plant one on me today.”


“Find a time.”

I roll my eyes at her bossiness and get out of the car, helping her out, and grabbing the gifts we brought for my family.

The second we walk through the door my mother is squeezing Maddie so hard I’m actually wondering if she can breathe, stroking her back and whispering something to her. I can’t hear what she’s saying but I see Maddie nod her head in response. She pulls away and cups her face before kissing her forehead and shooing her towards the kitchen. She points at me and narrows her eyes. “No funny business, Cal.” She circles her finger at me. “I’ve got my eyes on you.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I am certainly not kidding.” I blink my eyes a few times at her and she puts her hands on her hips. “I don’t want you two shacking up on my couch or sneaking off somewhere to fool around.”

I wince and groan. “Seriously?”

“Very much. I’m going to treat Maddie how I treated you and your brother growing up.” She heads back into the kitchen leaving me feeling like I’m seventeen again. I roll my eyes and make my way into the living room.

Later that afternoon, I’m sitting on the couch next to Grant—who I’m fairly certain is still clueless, watching the pre-show for the Christmas game when I hear the front door open. Aria’s voice floats through the air and I’m immediately on edge when I hear my brother’s a beat behind her.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I’M UP BEFORE I CAN stop myself and make my way into the kitchen where I find my brother, sister in law, my mother, and Maddie and all of their emotions encased in the small space.

Henry’s eyes meet mine first and they’re still filled with rage and anger when my mother speaks first. “There will be none of that today, leave that at the door, boys, I mean it.” Aria’s eyes flick to Henry’s and then mine and I can see how clueless she is as to why we are on the outs.

“Seriously, it took all the bribery to get him here. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s Christmas, can everyone just chill?” Aria pulls her coat off and sets it on the back of a chair as she slides off her boots.

Henry pushes past me, banging his shoulder against mine but I let it go, not wanting to add fuel to the fire and exacerbate his anger. Maddie’s eyes find mine and she looks away quickly, remembering that Aria is in the room, but in just that split second, I felt everything she was trying to say.

I’m sorry. I wish this were easier.

I want to take her in my arms and tell her that she has nothing to apologize for, but Aria starts to drag Maddie out of the room much to my reluctance. The last time Aria was alone with Maddie it didn’t end well, and I almost want to follow them to make sure that things don’t get out of hand.

I stare after them long after they’re gone when I feel a warm hand on my arm. “Let her go, Son. She’ll be okay.”

I let out a breath and rub a hand through my hair. “This is going to be a disaster. Henry is at his boiling point and Aria can sense something’s off.”

“Would it be the worst thing for Aria to find out at this point?”

“She wouldn’t understand, Mom. I’m actually pretty shocked you took it as well as you did. I know how this looks to an outsider…”

“I’m not an outsider, Cal. I’m in there with you. Aria isn’t an outsider either.” She points at me as she goes back to seasoning her stuffing.

Everyone needs a home team. I can hear Aria’s words as clear as day. I trudge into the living room to see Henry and Grant staring at the television, neither of them speaking. Maddie and Aria are nowhere to be found, thankfully, but I wonder what they’re talking about.

Maddie can handle Aria, relax.

I sit next to Grant on the couch and he looks at me in question, wondering why Henry didn’t acknowledge my presence.

“Well, you two are certainly festive.” Grant raises an eyebrow at us and Henry’s eyes snap to his.

“Now is really not the time,” he barks.

I look at Grant and shake my head, trying to tell him that it really isn’t. “Listen, you two, it’s Christmas, it is the time. You know that your mother lives for this holiday. She doesn’t want to see you two like this, so whatever it is, squash it till tomorrow. Actually, not tomorrow, because that’s Maddie’s birthday.”

Henry snorts and takes a sip of the whiskey I just realized is sitting next to him. “Yeah, can’t have that.”

“Watch your fucking self, Henry,” I growl, a warning to leave her the fuck out of it.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance