Page 62 of Unconditional

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I slowly begin to tongue her sex again, making love to it, like the way I kiss her after a long day. Slow, long licks that make

her whimper around my dick and suck and pull so hard that I wonder if she’s trying to suck my soul out through it. Her nails are probably leaving permanent marks on my thighs and just when I’m about to tell her to dig her nails in harder, loving the pierce in my flesh, she removes her hand and begins to rub my balls, hard.

“Oh fuck, Maddie.” For a second, I lose my way and fall back against the pillows. I squeeze my eyes shut, ready for the blast of pleasure that is moments away. I spread my legs wider, wanting more of her touch and her mouth and just her. She’s learned my balls are my weakness and she wields that power like a sovereign. She knows all it takes is her to suck one into her mouth and I’m ready to lose it, but from this angle, she settles for fondling it. She pushes herself further down on my cock and to the back of her throat and I hear her choke slightly and because I know she wants it, and God knows I do too, I push my pelvis upward, forcing myself further down her throat causing her to moan and sputter which only makes me harder. The only sounds in the room are carnal, the sounds of our mouths sucking and licking each other’s slick and swollen skin. “Close, baby.” I groan, but I know I have to get her closer.

She is still riding the high of her last orgasm, with a sensitive clit, so I know it won’t take her long to come again.

“Me too.” She speaks, though it’s muffled as her mouth is full of my cock. I press my lips to her again, my tongue taking a new speed as it rapidly fucks her while I rub her clit in clockwise motions. “Oh God, wait wait wait!” She stops and I smile knowing she’s close.

“I’m there, put your mouth on my dick, Madeline.” I see that she visibly shivers above me when she hears me use her full name.

“Yes, Daddy.” Oh, for the love of fuck.

She puts me back in her mouth and I thrust upwards, exploding down her throat instantly, that one word pushing me over the edge. I suspect her calling me that turned her on as much as it did for me, and my suspicions are confirmed when she pushes down hard on my face as her orgasm rips through her. She’s squirming against my face, like she does when she sits in my lap, trying to hit my tongue at the right angles. At some point, I finish coming, and she sits up so she’s kneeling over my face. I immediately trail my arms up her short body, finding her breasts and squeezing, pinching her nipples as she continues to ride my face. She rests her hands over mine before pulling my right hand to her face and kissing it before sucking a finger into her mouth just as she did my cock.

“God, I love you so much,” she whimpers just as she lets me fall from between her lips. She puts her hands on my stomach for leverage before trying to move from my face. I grip her ass again, keeping her in place and she giggles when I place one final kiss on her sex. She climbs off of my face and sits between my spread legs, her cheeks flushed, her hair disheveled and her lips red and swollen.

“You’re so beautiful,” I tell her.

“That was so fun.” Her eyes are shining with lust and love and adoration and it makes me want to have my hands on her. She must sense that because she crawls up my body and snuggles against my chest before placing a kiss over my heart. I wrap my arms around her and move her so that she’s lying next to me and I’m spooning her from behind. I rub my hand down her arm and kiss the back of her shoulder. “I’ll hate not having this every night.”

I drag my nose down her cheek and neck, inhaling her scent and knowing that I’ll probably hate not having her here even more than she’ll hate being gone.

What if Aria is right, and the space between us causes her to rethink this? What if she realizes that I’m a fucked up man for touching her the way that I have?

The thought makes my blood run cold that after all of this she may end up hating me.

I LET MY HEAD FALL all the way back, the pounding in my temples giving me a mind-numbing migraine that I know will only be exacerbated the second I step inside. I snuck out of bed just as the sun began to rise over Christmas day, hoping that I’d be back before Maddie wakes up, but now I wish I had woken her up to let her calm my nerves. I slide my key into the door and I’m immediately met with the smell of cinnamon, just like every Christmas. Every year, my mother spends the morning baking every dessert under the sun and sending them to various homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and churches that hold Christmas dinner for anyone without a place to go. So, I’m not surprised to see my mother in the kitchen with Christmas music blaring.

“Hey Mom, Merry Christmas,” I tell her and she spins around from cutting up her apples for her cinnamon apple strudel. Wearing her usual Christmas sweater with a picture of Rudolph and matching apron, she’s the picture of festive.

“Cal?” She looks at her watch and then up at me. “I wasn’t expecting you this early! Merry Christmas, honey!” She pulls me in and reaches up on her tiptoes to hug me, allowing me to dwarf her small frame. “Is Maddie with you?” She peeks around me and frowns when she doesn’t see the person that is never more than a few steps behind me when I come over.

“No no, she’s still at home sleeping. We’ll be back later today, I just wanted to come alone first…” I rub the back of my neck and sit at the kitchen table. She pushes her glasses to the top of her head and narrows her eyes.

“What’s going on with you, huh? You look like you’ve got something on your mind. Talk to me, Cal Michael. I didn’t know you were coming this early or I would have had breakfast ready.” She opens the refrigerator and I notice it’s packed with food that’s already been prepared and some that hasn’t. “I can whip you up some eggs and bacon really quick?”

“Mom, I’m fine.” I rub my head. “But do you have any coffee made?”

“There should be enough for another cup.” She grabs a mug and pours it for me before pouring a drop of milk, just how we both take it. “Here. Now talk.”

I let out a breath. “You know I wouldn’t ask this if it wasn’t…really important.”

“You can ask me anything, Son. Small things or big things. It doesn’t have to be really important for me to help.” Her eyes are soft and warm to match the kind heart she has inside, despite the fact that she spent the earlier half of her life having it broken.

“Do you think Maddie can stay here with you…just until she graduates?” She blinks a few times and sits back in her chair, crossing her arms. She doesn’t say anything and I wonder if she’s waiting for me to continue. “Anything she needs I’ll take care of—” I start and she waves me off.

“Hush, Cal. I’m more than capable of taking care of her and I love spending time with her. I’m just curious as to what brought this on exactly.” She raises an eyebrow at me and I know that look. I already know the truth, so don’t bother lying to me. “You two have a fight?”

“No, Mom.” Maddie and I rarely fought, we rarely yelled, and the few times we did I felt like shit over it and usually ended up apologizing an hour later, and that’s if she didn’t come to me first.

She drums her fingertips against the wood. “Okay…do you want me to guess?”

So, she knows, but how? “Did you talk to Henry?”

Her eyebrows raise. “Your brother knows?”

“Knows what?” Okay, so maybe she doesn’t?

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance