Page 71 of Forget Me Not

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“First of all, watch your attitude. Second of all, there’s nothing to talk about, Amanda. It’s over. We’re done

. I believe my wife advised you to stay away from me. I believe you should listen to her.”

“You told me you were over her. That you loved me and wanted to be with me. She’s brainwashing you, and it’s not what you want! I’m who you want, Bennett.”

“False,” he grits out. “And I don’t know what kind of bullshit fairytale you’re living in where you think I ever told you I loved you, or that I was over my wife. You’re using my memory loss to your advantage because she doesn’t know what happened between us, but you and I both know that I never told you I loved you.” He’s been leaning against the bar, but he stands straight and moves me slightly to stand next to me, but slides his hand into mine, lacing our fingers. “I fucked you, I don’t deny that, and it was the worst mistake I ever made because it cost me the love of my life. But now she’s taken me back when I don’t fucking deserve her.” I gasp and the tears well in my eyes at his words. He must have heard my gasp because he turns to look at me. “I don’t deserve you, Olivia, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying.”

I smile before turning back to Amanda with the smuggest smile on my lips.

“We had sex more than just the one time, Bennett.”

He turns back to her and grits his teeth. “Three times.” And my eyes blink up at him in shock, as it’s the first time I’ve ever heard a number.

My head is swimming, but even in my fuzzy brain, I wonder how he knows that.

There’s no way he has his memory back, he would have told me something like that. Maybe Wren filled him in?

“You were there, Amanda. When I was at my lowest. I shouldn’t have used you the way I did, and I’m sorry. But you knew what our relationship was. I never made any kind of promises to you. I was still holding onto hope that I’d get Olivia back, and I know that makes me a shitty person, to sleep with you while I’m still pining after my wife, but I’ve never professed to be innocent in all of this. You’d show up at my apartment and we’d get drunk and I’d talk about Olivia. Don’t you dare try and pretend like it was something else.”

Her eyes dart to me and then back to Bennett before she purses her lips. “You don’t remember anything.”

“Oh? Tell me I’m a liar, then.”

I sway slightly, the effects of that last shot starting to kick in.

Wait…he’s bluffing? Right?

Definitely bluffing.

But she’s not saying much…?

I lift my hair off my neck, suddenly feeling like I’m overheating and I fan myself slightly. The movement attracts Bennett’s attention and he frowns as he looks at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I just got drunker and really hot all at once,” I tell him before looking back at Amanda. “Are we done here?” I bite my bottom lip. “I want you now.” My eyes flit to his before I raise an eyebrow at Amanda. “That’s right, I want my husband to take me to the bathroom and fuck me against the wall.” I flash her a smile and she scoffs.

“Whatever. Bennett, enjoy your boring married life. One day you’ll look back and remember how exciting and fun our time was and will regret not choosing me.”

I try not to let the tears rush to my eyes but they do and I do everything to try and blink them away but one slides down my face.

I’m surprised to hear Bennett chuckle and when I look up he’s staring daggers into Amanda. He takes a step forward and she shakes slightly before taking a step back, stumbling slightly in heels that she clearly can’t walk in. “You never meant anything to me. If anything, I resented you. Or you were an extension of the resentment I felt for myself for fucking up the best thing that ever happened to me. I’ll admit I enjoyed your company, though seeing this terribly ugly side of you is making me wonder just how much of the real you I even knew. But I was never in love with you. We had mediocre at best sex a few times. I never even let you spend the night. We weren’t together. We weren’t dating. I was using you. And I’m sorry. But I’m not going to let you take your anger at me out on the only person here who’s done nothing wrong. Now, I do believe my wife was very clear that you needed to stay away from me. I suggest, you heed her warnings going forward.” His voice is even and sinister and it sets a fire between my legs as Amanda shakes her head and turns around.

She makes it two steps before she spins back around and tosses the remainder of her drink in Bennett’s face. “Asshole,” she scoffs before she begins to walk away.

My mouth drops open as the remains drip from his face onto the floor and immediately I see red. I lunge after her when I feel arms wrapped around me, and I’m pulled towards a hard chest. “Ah ah ah. Not so fast,” he growls in my ear, and I can smell the vodka on his face and feel it dripping onto my skin.

“What a bitch! I’m throwing my drink on her, see how she fucking likes it.” I’m fuming. Is she a fucking child? Who throws their drink in someone’s face?

Probably the same people who key their husband’s mistress’ car, my subconscious sneers, and I huff indignantly.

“Not worth it.” He loosens his hold but still keeps a hand on me as he grabs a few napkins from the bar. I spin in his arms as he wipes his face. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? Being so fucking sexy and putting her in her place?” I reach up, grabbing the napkins from him and finish removing the traces of alcohol from his face. “I am burning alive for you.”

He groans as I push against him. “Baby, you’re killing me.”

“Take me to the bathroom,” I whisper in his ear.

I’m slammed against the wall of the stall in Envy and Bennett is on me instantly. I drown out the sounds of the catcalls and cheers and chuckles coming from the outside of the stall from the men who saw us stumbling inside in a frenzy. “Clarke,” I moan the second his hands find the space between my legs, the space still wet from his earlier assault.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance