Page 51 of Forget Me Not

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“I don’t have it in me for her right now, so can you guys go somewhere else for your mother son bonding or her Olivia bashing. I just can’t.” My eyes well up with tears, and I’m trying my best not to succumb to the pressures of the day but I feel my heart squeezing in my chest.

Bennett must sense I’m at the end of my rope because he sits next to me on the bed. “We’ve had a long talk about how she treats you.”

“You’ve had talks with her before. Nothing changes.”

“This time is different.”


“I told her I’d make a choice if she couldn’t treat you like the woman her son is in love with.”

“A choice?” I’d never given Bennett an ultimatum or asked him to choose between his mother and me. I just grew thicker skin and learned to deal with it the very few times I had to, but to hear him standing up to her so fiercely in protection of me makes me feel like maybe he would do whatever it took to win me back.

“Yes, one she wouldn’t love.”

“Me?” I say weakly.

“Yeah, you. Who else?” He gives me a half smile. He pulls my hand into his and gives it a kiss. “I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean to pressure you.”

“Can we talk about it later?” I ask him. “I just want to lay down if that’s okay?”

“I think my mom wants to talk to you. Can you just come out for a little?”

“Bennett…” I start knowing the only way to not have another tedious interaction is to confess to him what happened with David.

He’s going to lose it.

Four and a half minutes later, my door slams open and Bennett is moving towards the living room with me scurrying behind him.

“Mother, can we finish this another time? Olivia and I actually have somewhere to be.”

“Oh, yes of course. I understand prior engagements.” She purses her lips and reaches up on her toes to give Bennett a kiss as he lowers his face. She comes face to face with me and gives me a warm-ish smile. Though I’m not sure if it’s as fake as the one I’m sporting. “Olivia, I’d like for us to have lunch soon. Anywhere you’d like. I’d like a chance to get to know you better.”

I nod, not knowing what to say or whether to take her words as genuine, but I suppose only time would tell. It isn’t something I’m prepared to deal with tonight.

The sounds of her Prada heels are still resounding through the apartment when Bennett is on the move

towards the master bedroom. “I’ll kill him.”

“Bennett, no!” I run after him and almost slam into the back of him when he stops suddenly and turns around.

“Did he touch you? I swear to God if he touched a hair on your head, I’m going to break his fucking fingers.” His eyes are wild and angry, and I know the idea of anyone touching me makes him furious.

“No! No, I’m okay. He’s hurt, Bennett. He didn’t say anything I didn’t already know.” His words stung more than I expected and though I never intended to hurt him, I felt an emotion I could only surmise to be guilt was coursing through my veins.

“He has no right to talk to you like that. Fuck that.” He growls.

“Is it all that surprising? I hurt him.”

“And now he’s borderline stalking you.”

I shake my head. “We don’t know that.”

“Well, I’m not waiting until we know for sure. I’m paying him a visit, and then you’re getting a restraining order.” He says as he moves into the master bedroom.

“For what? He didn’t threaten me.”

“I don’t give a fuck. I know a guy. He’ll put it into motion. He needs to leave you alone.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance