Page 26 of Forget Me Not

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Fuck, it’s still a turn-on.

But times are different. I shake my head and put my hands on my hips. I meet his gaze with an annoyed one of my own. “You don’t live here, Bennett.”

“I don’t care,” he growls, and it’s only then that I hear his voice through the door.

“Liv…” The knocks continue and I hear David’s voice.

“Fuck!” I whisper yell and press a hand to my forehead as I squeeze my eyes together, begging, praying to wake up from this nightmare. “Can you…go somewhere that’s not here?” I ask Bennett while I point to the master bedroom.

“What? Oh, is that your boyfriend?” He nods towards the door and I stamp my foot at him.


“No, I’m kinda curious to meet the douche fucking my wife.” He makes his way over to the couch and puts his feet up on my coffee table, that puts him in perfect view of the door and I fight the urge to scream. I cannot handle this.

I move towards the door and let out a breath. I clear the last bit of tears from both my eyes and the ones clogged in my throat and open the door with a smile. “David.” I stand in the doorway, not wanting to let him in, and try to move us into the hallway.

His smile fades and his blue eyes are full of sadness when he realizes I’m not letting him in. “What—” he starts when I hear Bennett’s voice ringing through the air.


David’s eyes snap to mine. “Are you serious right now?” He pushes the door behind me to see inside and steps around me and into my apartment.

“David…” I start.

Bennett is sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and a smug grin plastered on his face.

“You must be the guy sleeping with my wife.”

“Bennett,” I growl.

“Fuck off, Clarke.” David takes another step and I put a hand on his bicep, holding him back.

This is probably the time to mention that Bennett has no recollection of ever meeting him before things really get out of hand. “David, can we talk somewhere else?”

“What is he doing here, Olivia?”

“I live here,” Bennett snaps.

“Bennett,” I implore him with my eyes to be quiet and he furrows his brows before giving me a nod, letting me know he’s done talking.

“You haven’t answered my question.” David stands in front of me, blocking me from looking at Bennett or him looking at me.

“David, there’s just…a lot going on right now.”

“What kind of bullshit answer is that?” His tone is harsh and biting and I can’t remember him ever speaking to me that way.

“Watch your fucking mouth and your tone for that matter,” Bennett snaps.

David’s eyes look murderous when he looks away from me. “Are you out of your mind? Who do you think you are? Why the fuck are you even here? Olivia threw you out, you fucking prick.” He points at my door before taking a step towards him. “And you’ve got a lot of nerve advising anyone on how to treat Olivia.”

“David…” I wrap my hand around his arm and try to pull him away from the living room towards my room, but I don’t miss the look Bennett is giving him. I ignore it, telling myself I’ll deal with him later before I push David into my bedroom.

“Are you back with that asshole?” he asks me.

I shake my head, denying it vehemently. “No! No, definitely not.”

“Then what is he doing here, Olivia?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Romance