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“Have you lost your mind? What, do you think I have all the time in the world?”

“Since I saw you trying to break into my house last night, I’m going to have to say yes.”

“You have a mint truck in your driveway! That’s yours, isn’t it?”

“That’s not mine.”

It was the company truck assigned to me, which would make what I said technically a lie, but I couldn’t let her know that or she would never agree.

“You can get a rental!”

“Are you paying for it?”

“This is blackmail.”

“You make it so easy. Rule number one: don’t expose your weakness to the enemy.”

“Are you my enemy?”

“Wanna find out?” I stood up, walked toward her.

She stood her ground. Unflinchingly.

“If I do this, you’ll let my shop fix your motorcycle? You won’t file a claim with your insurance?”


I want to know what your lips taste like.

“No accessories,” she added.

What they feel like.

“And no maintenance,” she finished.

She’d drive me to bankruptcy if she could. And laugh while she was at it. She could shut me down and kick me out if she really didn’t want the deal, but some part of her was thriving on the tension between us. I could feel it in the way her body turned toward me, the way her eyes flashed with excitement, and the hint of a smile on her lips she tried to hide.

“The deal includes maintenance.” Before she could open her mouth to protest, I added, “But you can get out of it. Easily.”

“Why don’t you tell me how, oh wise one?”

I rubbed the stubble on my jaw. It was getting itchy. Time for a shave. I headed to the front door and put on my shoes. I opened the door, then tossed her my keys.

“I’ll let you know.”

Chapter 9


The most important thing in life is that you have your health. Because once that was gone, nothing else would be the same. Food wouldn’t taste as good. And that would be really bad. Really, really bad. Because food is important. And health is important. As important as food. It’s the most important thing in life. Food.

So why the hell was I melting on the floor, feeling like he just took everything important with him when he went out that door?

All my food was still in the fridge.

Nothing was out of place.

But nothing felt the same.

Tags: Isabelle Ronin Chasing Red Romance