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'On what charges?'

'Reckless endangerment of self and driving me nuts. Where are you hiding? You're not staying with your parents. I checked.'

'I'm staying at a friend's place.'

'Is it safe?'

'Yep.' Except from the friend.

`I'd feel better if you sounded more scared,' Morelli said. 'These guys are crazy. They're unpredictable and irrational. They operate under a whole different set of rules.'

Morelli disconnected and it was my turn to give an exasperated sigh. I was trying hard not to be scared.

I decided as long as I was in the lot I might as well do some food shopping, so I locked the truck and ambled into the store. I got a box of Frosted Flakes, a loaf of nice mushy white bread, a jar of peanut butter (the good land that's been hydrogenated and is full of trans fats and sugar), and ajar of non-gourmet olives.

I was pushing my cart down the sanitary products aisle when

Mrs Zuch spotted me.

'Stephanie Plum!' she said. 'I can't remember when I last saw you. I see your grandmother all the time, and I hear all about your exploits.'

'Whatever Grandma said, it's not true.'

'And this business about the Slayers...'

That's especially not true.'

'Everyone's talking about it. How you single-handed put them out of business. It's a shame about the killer.'


'You know, the contract that's out on you. I hear they brought someone in from California. I'm surprised you're out and about like this. You don't even look like you're wearing a bulletproof vest, or anything.'

Was she serious? It's all rumor,' I said. 'None of it's true.'

'I understand,' Mrs Zuch said. 'And I think it's admirable that you're being so brave and so modest. But if it was me, I'd be wearing the vest.'

'I don't think the Slayers spend a lot of time in Shop n Bag.'

'You could be right,' Mrs Zuch said. 'But just in case, I think I'll move on now.'

And Mrs Zuch put distance between us.

I made an effort not to furtively look over my shoulder while I wheeled my shopping cart to check out.

My phone rang when I got to the truck.

'What's all this noise about a contract killer?' Connie wanted to know. 'Have you talked to Joe?'

1 talked to Joe, but he didn't say anything about a killer.'

'Vinnie just wrote a bond on a lad from Slayerland, and all the kid could talk about was how you're going down.'

I rested my forehead on the steering wheel. This was out of control. 'I can't talk now,' I told Connie. I'll call you back.'

I dialed Morelli, and I did some deep breathing while I waited.

`Yeah?' Morelli said.

Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery