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It was hard not to like Moon, and I found myself smiling in spite of my day. “Yeah, we need to get you bonded out again and rescheduled.” And I'd pick him up and chauffeur him to court next time. Stephanie Plum, mother hen.

“How does the Moon do that?”

“You come with me to the station, and I'll walk you through it.”

“That sucks seriously, dude. I'm in the middle of a Rocky and Bullwinkle retrospective. Can we do this some other time? Hey, I know—why don't you stay for lunch, and we can watch ol' Rocky together?”

I looked at the spoon in his hand. Probably he only had one. “I appreciate the invitation,” I said, “but I promised my mom I'd have lunch with her.” What is known in life as a little white lie.

“Wow, that's real nice. Having lunch with your mom. Far out.”

“So how about if I go have lunch now, and then I come back for you in about an hour?”

“That'd be great. The Moon would really appreciate that, dude.”

Mooching lunch from my mom wasn't a bad idea, now that I thought about it. Besides getting lunch, I'd get whatever gossip was floating around the Burg about the fire.

I left Moon to his retrospective and had my fingers wrapped around the door handle of my car when a black Lincoln pulled alongside me.


he passenger-side window rolled down and a man looked out. “You Stephanie Plum?”


“We'd like to have a little chat with you. Get in.”

Yeah, right. I'm going to get into the Mafia staff car with two strange men, one of whom is a Pakistani with a .38 tucked into his Sans-A-Belt pants, partially hidden by the soft roll of his belly, and the other is a guy who looks like Hulk Hogan with a buzz cut. “My mother told me never to ride with strangers.”

“We aren't so strange,” Hulk said. “We're just your average couple of guys. Isn't that right, Habib?”

“That is just so,” Habib said, inclining his head in my direction and smiling, showing a gold tooth. “We are most average in every way.”

“What do you want?” I asked.

The guy in the passenger seat gave a big sigh. “You're not gonna get in the car, are you?”


“Okay, here's the deal. We're looking for a friend of yours. Only maybe he's not a friend anymore. Maybe you're looking for him, too.”


“So we thought we could work together. You know, be a team.”

“I don't think so.”

“Well, then, we're just gonna have to follow you around. We thought we should tell you so you don't get, you know, alarmed when you see us tailing you.”

“Who are you?”

“That's Habib over there behind the wheel. And I'm Mitchell.”

“No. I mean, who are you? Who do you work for?” I was pretty sure I already knew the answer, but I thought it was worth asking anyway.

“We'd rather not divulge our employer's name,” Mitchell said. “It don't matter to you anyway. What you want to remember is that you don't cut us out of anything, because then we'd be annoyed.”

“Yes, and it is not good when we become annoyed,” Habib said, wagging his finger. “We are not to be taken lightly. Is that not so?” he asked, looking to Mitchell for approval. “In fact, if you annoy us we will spread your entrails across an entire parking space of my cousin Muhammad's 7-Eleven parking lot.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery