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“I'm not saying I'm staking out Hannibal's house, but if I was, do you think there'd be any value to it?”

“As far as I can tell, Ranger has a handful of people he trusts, and he has those people watching the Ramos family. I've spotted someone at Homer's house in Hunterdon County, and I know there's someone in place in Deal. He's got you sitting over there on Fenwood. I don't know what he expects to find, but my guess is, he knows where he's going. He has information about this crime that we don't have.”

“Doesn't look like there's anyone home, here,” I said.

“Alexander's in town, so Hannibal has probably moved into the south wing of the Deal house.” Morelli let a beat go by. “Probably Ranger's got you sitting there because it's safe. Make you feel like you're doing something, so you don't stumble into a more important surveillance situation. Probably you should give up on it and come over to my house.”

“Nice try, but I don't think so.”

“It was worth a shot,” Morelli said.

We disconnected, and I hunkered in to do my surveillance thing. Probably Morelli was right, and Hannibal was living at the shore. There was only one way to find out: watch and wait. By twelve o'clock Hannibal still hadn't appeared. My feet were cold, and I was sick of sitting in the car. I got out and stretched. A final check of the back, and then I was going home.

I walked the bike path with my pepper spray held in my hand. It was stygian. No lights anywhere. Everyon

e was in bed. I got to Hannibal's back door and looked up at his windows. Cold, dark glass. I was about to leave when I heard the muffled sound of a toilet flushing. No question which house the sound emanated from Hannibal's. A chill raced the length of my spine. Someone was living in the dark, in Hannibal's house. I stood dead still, barely breathing, listening with every molecule of my body. There were no more sounds, and no further sign of life in the house. I didn't know what this meant, but I was totally creeped out. I scurried down the path, crossed the grass to the car, and took off.

REX WAS RUNNING on the wheel when I walked in the door, and Bob ran up to me, eyes bright, panting in anticipation of a pat on the head and possible food. I said hello to Rex and gave him a raisin. Then I gave a couple raisins to Bob, making him wag his tail so hard the whole back half of his body whipped side to side.

I set the box of raisins on the counter and went to the bathroom, and when I returned the raisins were gone. Only a slobbery, mangled corner of the box remained.

“You have an eating disorder,” I said to Bob. “And take it from someone who knows, compulsive eating isn't the way to go. Before you know it your skin won't fit.”

Grandma had set a pillow and blanket out for me in the living room. I kicked my shoes off, crawled under the blanket, and was asleep in seconds.

I woke up feeling tired and disoriented. I looked at my watch. Two o'clock. I squinted into the darkness. “Ranger?”

“What's with the dog?”

“I'm baby-sitting. Guess he's not much of a watchdog.”

“He would have opened the door if he could have found the key.”

“I know it's not that hard to pick a lock, but how do you get past the security chain?”

“Trade secret.”

“I'm in the trade.”

Ranger handed me a large envelope. “Check out these pictures and tell me who you recognize.”

I sat up, switched the table lamp on, and opened the envelope. I identified Alexander Ramos and Hannibal. There were also photos of Ulysses and Homer Ramos and two first cousins. All four were very much alike; each could have been the man I saw standing in the doorway of the Deal house. Except, of course, Homer, who was dead. There was another woman, photographed with Homer Ramos. She was small and blond and smiling. Homer had his arm around her, and he was smiling back.

“Who's this?” I asked.

“Homer's latest girlfriend. Her name's Cynthia Lotte. She works downtown. Receptionist for someone you know.”

“Omigod! Now I recognize her. She works for my exhusband.”

“Yeah,” Ranger said. “Small world.”

I told Ranger about the town house being dark, with no sign of life, and then the toilet flushing.

“What does that mean?” I asked Ranger.

“It means someone's in the house.”


Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery