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“In a couple days I'll be gnawing my arm off.”

“That's pretty serious.”

“Don't ever doubt it,” Morelli said. He kissed me, and I didn't doubt anything. He had his hand under my shirt, and his tongue deep in my mouth . . . and I heard someone give a wolf whistle.

Mrs. Fine and Mr. Morgenstern were hanging out their windows, whistling, drawn to the shouting between Grandma and me. They both started clapping and making hooting sounds.

Mrs. Benson opened her window. “What's going on?” she wanted to know.

“Sex in the parking lot,” Mr. Morgenstern said.

Morelli looked at me speculatively. “It's possible.”

I turned and ran for the door and sprinted up the stairs. I cut myself a piece of cake, and then I called Simon.

“What's up?” I said.

“I need a favor.”

“I don't do phone sex,” I said.

“It's not phone sex. Cripes, what made you think that?”

“I don't know. It just popped out.”

“It's about my dog. I have to go out of town for a couple days, and I don't have anybody to take care of my dog. So since you owe me a favor . . .”

“I live in an apartment! I can't have a dog.”

“It's only for a couple days. And he's a real good dog.”

“What about a kennel?”

“He hates kennels. He won't eat. He gets all depressed.”

“What kind of dog is it?”

“It's a little dog.”

Damn. “It's only for a couple days?”

“I'll drop him off tomorrow first thing in the morning and pick him up on Sunday.”

“I don't know. This isn't a good time. My grandmother is staying with me.”

“He loves old ladies. I swear to God. Your grandma will love him.”

I looked over at Rex. I'd hate to see him all depressed and not eating, so I guess I could understand how Simon felt about his dog. “Okay,” I said. “What time tomorrow?”

“Around eight?”

I OPENED MY eyes and wondered about the time. I was on the couch, it was pitch black out, and I smelled coffee. There was a moment of panicky disorientation. My eyes settled on the chair across from the couch, and I realized someone was sitting in it. A man. Hard to see in the dark. My breathing stopped altogether.

“How'd it go tonight?” he said. “Learn anything worthwhile?”

Ranger. No point asking how he'd gotten in when the windows and doors were closed and locked. Ranger had ways. “What time is it?”


Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery