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Glorious. Unh. I wondered if Moon would think it was glorious if I choked him until he was dead.

“I'd like to stay around and toast some marshmallows,” Vinnie said, “but I need to get back to the office.”

“Yeah, and I'm missing Hollywood Squares,” Moon said. “We need to conclude our business, dude.”

IT WAS CLOSE to four when I made the final arrangements for the car to

get towed away. I'd been able to salvage a tire iron and that was about it. I was outside in the lot, pawing through my shoulder bag for my cell phone, when the black Lincoln pulled up.

“Tough luck with the car,” Mitchell said.

“I'm getting used to it. It happens to me a lot.”

“We've been watching from a distance, and we figure you need a ride.”

“Actually, I just called a friend, and he's going to come pick me up.”

“That's a big fat lie,” Mitchell said. “You been standing here for an hour and you haven't called anyone. I bet your mother wouldn't like it if she knew you were telling lies.”

“Better than me getting into this car with you,” I said. “That'd give her a heart attack.”

Mitchell nodded. “You got a point.” The tinted window slid shut, and the Lincoln rolled out of the lot. I found my phone and called Lula at the office.

“BOY, IF I had a nickel for every car you destroyed I'd be able to retire,” Lula said when she picked me up.

“It wasn't my fault.”

“Hell, it's never your fault. It's one of them karma things. You're a number ten on the Bad-Shit-O-Meter when it comes to cars.”

“I don't suppose you've got any news on Ranger?”

“Only that Vinnie gave the file to Joyce.”

“Was she happy?”

“Had an orgasm right there in the office. Connie and me had to excuse ourselves so we could go throw up.”

Joyce Barnhardt is a fungus. When we were in kindergarten together she used to spit in my milk carton. When we were in high school she started rumors and took secret photos in the girls' locker room. And before the ink had even dried on my marriage certificate I found her bare-assed with my husband (now my ex-husband) on my brand-new dining room table.

Anthrax was too good for Joyce Barnhardt.

“Then a funny thing happened to Joyce's car,” Lula said. “While she was in the office talking to Vinnie, someone drove a screwdriver into her tire.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Was an act of God,” Lula said, putting her red Firebird in gear and punching on the sound system, which could shake the fillings out of your teeth.

She took North Clinton to Lincoln and then Chambers. When she dropped me in my lot, there was no sign of Mitchell and Habib.

“You looking for someone?” she wanted to know.

“Two guys in a black Lincoln were following me earlier today, hoping I'd find Ranger for them. I don't see them now.”

“Lot of people looking for Ranger.”

“Do you think he killed Homer Ramos?”

“I could see him killing Ramos, but I can't see him burning down a building. And I can't see him being stupid.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery