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“I do!”

“That's why your nipples are hard.”

I looked down at my dress. You could see the shape of my nipples behind the cotton fabric. “They've been like that all day. There's something wrong with them.”

A smile twitched at the corners of Morelli's mouth. “You want me bad.”

Damn skippy I wanted him. And that made me even more furious. Where were my principles? I wasn't sure I believed his answer about the woman who confronted me at the bar. I sensed a continuing relationship of some sort between him and Terry Gilman. And here I was with hard nipples! Ugh.

“I can do without you just fine,” I said. “Don't call me. I'll call you.”

“You won't last through the night.”

Egotistical jerk. “Fifty bucks says I will.”

“You want to bet on this?” He sounded incredulous.

“The first one to crack pays up.”

Morelli's brows lowered and his eyes narrowed. “Fine. It won't be me, sweetheart.”



I whirled around and stomped up the stairs. I brushed my teeth, got into my nightshirt and crawled into bed. I laid there for a half hour in the dark, feeling cranky and lonely, wishing Rex wasn't in the kitchen, wondering what ever possessed me to make that stupid bet. Fear, I thought. That's what possessed me. Fear of being dumped again. Fear of getting screwed over. Fear of defective condoms. Finally I got out of bed and stomped back down the stairs.

Morelli was in the living room, slouched in his favorite chair, watching television. He gave me a long, considering look.

“I came to get Rex,” I said, swishing past him.

Morelli was still watching me when I returned carrying the hamster cage. The look was speculative and quietly unnerving.

“What?” I said.

“Nice nightshirt.”

* * * * *

SUNDAY MORNING I opened my eyes and thought about Maxine Nowicki. I'd been on the case for a week. It felt like three. I dressed in shorts and T-?shirt, and without even bothering to comb my hair, carted Rex to the kitchen.

Morelli glanced up from the paper when I padded in. He took in my hair and smiled. “Trying to help me win the bet?”

I poured out a mug of coffee and looked at the white bakery bag on the table. “Doughnuts?”

“Yeah. I was going to go to church, but I decided to get doughnuts instead.”

I sat across from him and selected a Boston creme. “I've been on this Nowicki case for a week, and I don't think I'm making any progress.”

“Imagine how the merry mutilator-?murderer feels. He's hacking people up and making no progress.”

“There's that.” I reached behind me for the portable phone and dialed Kuntz. “No answer.”

Morelli gave a chunk of doughnut to Rex and topped his cup. “Maybe we should take a ride over there this morning.”

This caught my attention. “You have one of those cop feelings, don't you?”

“Feels funky.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery