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“You could have told me sooner.”

“In the beginning it looked like we had good leads. I was hoping we'd have Kenny in custody by now and wouldn't have to involve you.”

My mind was moving at warp speed, generating all sorts of wonderful possibilities.

“You could have bagged him in the parking lot when he was doing his thing with Julia,” I said to Morelli.

He agreed. “I could have.”

“That might not have told you what you really wanted to know.”

“Which is?”

“I think you wanted to follow him to see where he was hiding out. I think you aren't just looking for Kenny. I think you're looking for more guns.”

“Keep going.”

I was feeling really pleased with myself, now, trying hard not to smile too wide. “Kenny was stationed at Braddock. He got out four months ago and started spending money. He bought a car. Paid cash. Then he rented a relatively expensive apartment and furnished it. He filled the closets with new clothes.”


“And Moogey was doing pretty good, too, considering he was living on a gas station attendant's wages. He had a megabucks car in his garage.”

“Your conclusion?”

“Kenny didn't buy that gun on the street. He and Moogey were involved in the Braddock ammo rip-off. What was Kenny doing at Braddock? Where did he work?”

“He was a shipping clerk. He worked in the warehouse.”

“And the missing munitions were stored in the warehouse?”

“Actually they were stored in a compound adjacent to the warehouse, but Kenny had access to it.”


Morelli grinned. “Don't get all wired over this. Kenny's working in the warehouse is hardly conclusive proof of guilt. Hundreds of soldiers have access to that warehouse. And as far as Kenny's affluence goes . . . he could be dealing drugs, betting on horses, or blackmailing Uncle Mario.”

“I think he was running guns.”

“I think so, too,” Morelli said.

“Do you know how he got the stuff out?”

“No. CID doesn't know either. It could all have gone out at once, or it could have trickled out over a period of time. No one checks inventory unless something is needed or, in this case, unless something turns up stolen. CID is conducting a background search on Kenny's army friends and coworkers in the warehouse. So far none of those people have been labeled suspects.”

“So where do we go from here?”

“Thought it might be helpful to talk to Ranger.”

I grabbed the phone off the kitchen counter and tapped out Ranger's number.

“Yo,” Ranger answered. “This better be good.”

“It has potential,” I said. “You free for lunch?”

“Big Jim's at twelve.”

“Going to be a threesome,” I told him. “You and me and Morelli.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum Mystery